The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)

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The Gazettei

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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tv rr'T'rrr Better Eating Christmas Decorations interest to RUTH Weekly Shopping Guide Ptk of rinfy cm5 rd tn fTxt-) pulton' vft fcr(j UAf 1 it ALLAN vs 1 Homemakers Guide -a ake ds'k peet and pus- Mr 1 a 'emptrg 'Sr re icr tuft nr fh rn rtf vf VAf A fK it 4 A (CM lb- MdU Hi I If "if i i lilt ftri' Hostesi Mr Rosi ing toucf es to Her free be mennLeri awseew Club Hears Suggestions From Expert By HILDA Ml IMAM rfy woman Les to decora' home tor Christmas Many buy 'he decora' ton hot ihr more inventive-who also have the tree like to hsv malarial and make their own The sjieaker- who can discus local arranging or Chi istmaij arrangement popular with women group at tme of the sear Tin week tie lymor League Cii-lrn Club met at ttie residence of Mr Kos Male him The iciest sjwaker a Mi Ktoris Lemon of McKenna Ltd a entertaining sieakei wMli minv original ideas Ms le-iineuc told tiw IS womm at ttie fruiting ho to mike 1 1 litre-pieces lor the lahli range-iio-hi for ttie minth piece and other local -1 mi in the borne She biought a variety of ma-tei nil i ones ant fit ml hollv spilt of pine I hi Hums balls in the hiM of dust is of grijus tmv riindeits arat choir tins Mie gave siiggi sliohs oil Inn lo make onesided art alike men! told members to con-icier whete ttie 11 rjingi-meiU would Ice Used ii the house and oil end grrieiul tip on llovvets Mrs Malcolm (tie hotes id done ome oii ml ran pug on her own Her dining room with it led dlafies suggested Hie iesiive season and her table was set with Omstmis in tnmd Toe focal (mint was a led velvet (Tilistmas iee the velvet hod Urn dtaped as in calc- cm tain and the iitlle tice was covttid with peal I and jewels Make believe gilts were scat teied about the bottom of tin tiny liee Mu Malcolm bad decorated the gill with paper dips topped wilh aeepuns col wed birds and tiny angel She had cut up old paper doillies and used the motili to dec male the parcels ALPHA CHAPTER Alpha Chapter Gamma Bio vmce of llie Delta Kappa Gamma Society will hold a sherry party at the home of Miss Grate Campbell Sunday hum 3 to 510 pm IToceeds will go to the group liolat slop luml lor teat hers B'NAI RITH St Lament Chapter nai nth Women will meet Tuesday at I TO pm at Gardenview School St Laurent The guest speaker will be Mr Titer esc Casgrain whose subject will he "Women In A Changing World" Son Puzzle His Mother MILTON I LEVINE and JEAN SEt IGMANN rvr OiM (0) "I havt bn in my awn bucincc for ovor 50 ytori and uit rofirod nint month 09c Not having boon contonfly with my ton who i tinea birth I hovo found I don't understand him Ho kaaps dittonco from mo It It vary hard to rooch him ond mako him undorttond ot ho dooon't wont to liiton Any ouvfootion would bo prootly pproclotod" Mr (A) It should please ond re assure you to know that most hoys nd girls in earlv adolescence art scry much like jour oott Even those who the past woro most confiding and open with their parents ajl at once eem to become secretive Their Inner live are their own and they rarely take us into thi-ir confidence Instead they orally a a their inmost thought worries ambition and Idea with their close friends Strang as may eem this period i of real value in the development He is learning to stand on hi own two feet and is trying to break ome of the cords tha bind him to hi parents Naturally he still need a good deal of help guidance and control from you But ha can also begin to have more family that knows Th all-new Orja-ionic ha or coll today ar portal I i in of To By truly the All the is much And she show another finished product to Mn Petir McEntrye ond Mr Phalu ftrrvicel GRADUATION EXERCISES tiudualion exenis Will lie held at Queen Maiy ails' Hospital auditorium Monday at 3 Mis Marjorie Bussell asMstapl dtrnTor of nursing service for the Department of Veterans' Affairs will he the speaker Why Grow Old? Molding Exercises Best For Correcting Defects Bv JOSEPHINE IOWVIAN People have so many misconceptions com ei mug evert 1st- and ak so many question about it thd am going to answer some of the most usual ones in the column today I fid that many leadei would like In know the answers to many of these queries 1 How are figure molding exeicies different from In a way all exercises are fjgme molding 111 that all of them afTed the figure However theie aie some txeitises which aie especially effective in distributing our weight nearer to our lu-ait desire It is entirely possible to loe inches in the waist and hips ami ocer the abdomen without losing The best loved bra in all the world costs much less than guess! A fV i jM'ri'hrti f'Hti urn zM baskrtR rrf A'firT fnfl pc' frr A fvn tftn pi ft'umM whve tvriC' 'd tw fa gMi rue dh AIvv rr nf The Garette 1 Even Stubby Hands Can Be Beautiful lU an te piet'v dtpiCiG ho-c 1 111 in and are f-r Ul It in! 1 1 i it i nJ tlMO ipple fuMi- 11 tr haitv 4 good rioi'i no if-' the tifgi ho of la ok nt at 'I 1 ikt it i 1 A on at T1 'n hi hind nvfrinmec -n qt she mav hjig ai'nit thrir sire or hape TWEED OocF other -En -frogronrei orm I i3i time lamb 1 tng e't-eted for 'tn week 1 nicnu Compare pt fur the tnvs Take cone ef clltuc Iwn vdad greens are food pun hast some so high pi aid thev r-nn voir ap pi-tte If von vr a vin for 1 vet I'uvadtiS altnliokes Hadassah Re-elects Mrs William Riven Tot -nit Mr Mdl on Ben of Montreal rrai'utfd jut suit of ttie Hadassah organ-tit am of anada at lt bennl convention Some 500 (h'iegate from an 1 nitres representing 300 thapti-u and a xnernberxhip of 15 Out) Irom Law Oliver to Newfoundland alo elected Mis Anna Baginskv Montreal Mrs Singer Motuieal and Mr 1) Gutbeh tUliper as huhut at Jiresl dill! Sei 'iig Ihe twoyear It 1 111 ate Nils iluij alien Svdhey NS exetutive vice piesideiil Mi 'tiu its Ii list at Monti a Mrs Marl A Levy Toronto Mt I 7i a Lninshi Munti eal and Mis Hyman Sokolov Winnipeg presidents Mis VS isenthal treasuier Mrs Hyman Heft corresponding secretary Mrs Bloomfield financial secretary and Mrs Qnastel recoidmg secretary all of Montreal Itigional chaiinM'n arc' Mis Mever Wine Vancouver Mrs lo-kuvdch Lellituidge Alta Mi II Iildiy Moose Jaw Sack Mis Sheps Winnipeg Mis Bollock Hamilton Mis Brown North Bay Ont Mr I Ben Ezra Windsor Mts Shei man Sydney NS and Mts Frtcrnan Moncton Sale Offiee telephof LAfontaine Im-dom ami mwe nd hi mud feel you 1 1 1 1 ins mi it asms riiituiity ami development Minv imiilieis ami lilheis vi ho like you find that their ihiiilun have become sullen ami uni eu liable feel guilty about these changes They try tr look lor reasons in their childieiTs upbringing to account for them But you jnay be quite unfair to yourself It is probable your boy is simply acting like an adolescent If you have shown turn your love through the year and have marie him led he is loved ami noted I hen you need have no feelings of guiit about the lime you spent away Irom Inin We will semi a list of book and pamphlets on adolescence to you it you send a stamped self addressed envelope Learning more about this period may help you to better understand and handle your ion Address question on CHILI) CAKE to the author in care of The Gazette A meeting Monklandi Chapter 10 DE will bo held at I ODE House 4112 Western Ave Monday at 1 ptn fun no season! Home Orgon by Kaldwin Dickiion Meetings Today VluBliril lllhfrtaB MlRtill Awtlijr wf Ui iburtfc Bd iiit(4 A 11 1 HtHitr iu It NpejJvfl Hi Hi Vk lUtnu'ii tlfritA 4- Ktrsp Mn I Art- Jew I fair III Jig 4 jt Itfwtrm Hlxd Ik) 1 in aiaAba IlMtn tnre-MM uisvuru i-U Trunk fuinl 5 i 4 (r 4) (II Kr4 lM but Util JirrU I fit I 4 Hi Red (tail llnuflilrl it tint' 1 I In 4 mi tiMlmnarsil Hthri I Club ftilflua) Uta iuI bidir kk i 1 (lullrmnnl itb4n aibulir R- itirg jfkir nituul I ii fiut 1 It II Ail 2 fi 1 Jula ui ba4ir ihuith DjM 4iH(r tf iiif 4 4urvj slitti 2pm Hi pm Ut4)v mi (t mufioA 4 khwinMinl 4 ffilf! I nld 4 tntrrb mtlH sr hii I ni 'wrirtv ff I i4lwa1l Disturbed 4 bililrpn iiir'fltni NhfidlMt Vt rt' I 1 ipi i pm irbkrr If IVUI SIMM yI km 4sittia ul 'n 'R 'A A I li The lit His Name So let will el Tuesdjy at 10 41 am at the residence of Mis Connolly o'i I ppet Giosvctior Ave oonds od 1 ci'cf jo'd bv of noi km Got Tr $1411 ones on top of it It you would like to have inv bust development routine send a stamped self addiesscd envelope with your request for leyllet No 7 Address Josephine Low mail in cate of The Gatlle 4Nbi FotHjioos eorrri of Luc0f0 pounds ou also can build up the chest and calf muscles to that you increase the bust measurement and the sire of the crIvcs of the leg So when 1 say molding'' exercise I mean those which I have lound to tie most effective in correcting' iigme defects 29 Minutes Help I have heard that one must do exercises tor at least an hour a day in older to make a ddte-r-eme in one silhouette This is not true You will see a big difleieiwe if you do your exercise for 20 4 0 30 minute daily The important thing i to he do not do the exercises lor a few day and then mis for the next few Naturally you will get resutts more quickly if you can do them lor to minutes morning and night Also it takes longer to increase a measurement than to reduce it In (lie formcr situation you actually are building muscle 3 1 have heard that a woman should not start exercises after the age of 40 1 this true? You can begin regular exercise at any age unless there i some abnormality or systemic trouble which makes it unwise Of course your exercises should suit your physical capacity The older you are the rqore slowly you will have to begin and the less strenuous the exercise should be It i also even more important that you have a physical examination before starting exercise However you always should have your blood pressure and heart checked at any age and get your doctors permission before beginning 4 You say a woman can Increase her bust but my doctor says it is impossible to do 2 did not say that you can Increase your bust but you can increase yptir bust measurement Ry this I mean that you can increase the si7e of the chest mus- ties hich lie underneath the bust and therefore make that measurement larger aJd your bust more prominent It 1 litre raring natural faKies under your bust instead of artificial way to family fun family tn )otn in play more fna when you make tsJMl i CHANGOMETTG for romphta information Flay-Right Away plan No wonder Ounsonette is everyone favorite a bra with a custom-made look at a pint-sized price! Aad carefully crafted to do the mod marvelous thing for your figure unique poke-titched cup round and accentuate emit curve give you the lift imaginable! That why it' preferred above all other br you'll find it' your favorite too So why postpone the pleure of owning a Chunonefte -trv it todav! White cotton broa'dcloth in A and Ccup AUo available in mton la-e At Strrpon' and all leading afore ta CANADA HADING MUSIC HOUSI 500 St Catherine St Iat MA 6201 Manfreol Ctnti Itm Sttcfl Iidviivf Wi4K: iium: of motrfu 1522 W4 Ms-rim Form of Canada Ltd -1.

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The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.