The Covert War between Iran & Israel – Behind The News Network (2024)

TheIran–Israel proxy conflict, also known as theIran–Israel proxy warorIran–Israel Cold War,is an ongoingproxy conflictbetweenIranandIsrael.

In theIsraeli–Lebanese conflict, Iran has supported LebaneseShiamilitias, most notablyHezbollah. In theIsraeli-Palestinian conflict, Iran has backed Palestinian groups such asHamas. Israel has supported Iranian rebels, such as thePeople’s Mujahedin of Iran, conducted airstrikesagainst Iranian allies in Syriaandassassinated Iranian nuclear scientists. In 2018Israeli forces directly attacked Iranian forcesin Syria. Motivated by theperiphery doctrine,Imperial Iran and Israel had close relations, seeing Arab powers as a common threat. After the 1979 Islamic revolution, Iran cut off relations, butcovert tiescontinued during the subsequentIran–Iraq War. Iran trained and armed Hezbollahduring Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon, and continued to back Shia militias throughout theIsraeli occupation of Southern Lebanon.

Even before 1979, Iranian Islamists had materially supported the Palestinians; after 1979 Iran attempted relations with thePalestine Liberation Organization, and later withPalestinian Islamic Jihadand Hamas. Despite the tension between the two countries,Israel provided support to Iranduring theIran–Iraq Warfrom 1980 to 1988. During the war, Israel was one of the main suppliers of military equipment to Iran and also provided military instructors. Israel gave direct support to Iran’s war effort when it bombed and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor inOperation Babylon. The nuclear reactor was considered a central component of Iraq’s nuclear weapons program.

Israel foughta war with Hezbollah in 2006. Israel hasfought several warswith Palestinians in and around theGaza Strip: in2008-2009,2012,2014,2021and2023-2024. The1982 Lebanon WarandIsrael–Hamas warhave been the deadliest wars of theArab–Israeli conflict.

Various reasons have been given for the Iran-Israel conflict. Iran and Israel had previously enjoyed warm ties due to common threats, but by 1990sthe USSR had dissolvedandIraq had been weakened.Iranians have long championed thePalestinian people, whom they perceive as oppressed.Scholars believe that by supporting the Palestinians, Iran seeks greater acceptance among Sunnis and Arabs, both of whom dominate the Middle East.Iranians have a long history of sympathizing with the Palestinians. Following the 1979Iranian Revolution, Khomeini’s new government adopted a policy of hostility towardsIsrael. The new Iranian government sawIsrael as a colonial outpost. Iran withdrew recognition of Israel as a state, and severed all diplomatic, commercial and other ties with Israel,referring to its government as the “Zionist regime”and Israel as “occupied Palestine”.

The 1982Israeli invasionof Lebanon resulted in the departure of thePalestine Liberation Organization(PLO) from Lebanon. The ensuing creation of theSecurity Zone in South Lebanontemporarily benefited Israeliallies in Lebanonand the civilian Israeli population, the Galilee suffered fewer violent attacks by Hezbollah than previously by PLO in the 1970s. However, thewholesale massacresperpetrated by Israeli proxies (the MaroniteLebanese Forcesand right-wingPhalangists) against Lebanese Shias had as a long-term consequence the emergence of a homegrown Lebanese, rather than Palestinian, resistance movement within South Lebanon, which by the second half of the 1990s was posing more strategic trouble to Israel than the PLO could pose in the 1970s.

Relationship with PLO

Starting in the 1960s, many Iranians (both leftist and religious) had volunteered to fight against Israel with various Palestinian organizations, including thePalestinian Liberation Organization.Some of these volunteers, who had received training in Lebanon and Jordan, then returned to Iran to fight against the Shah.

Yasser Arafatvisited Iran on February 17, 1979, becoming the first foreign leader to visit the country after theIslamic Revolution. During Arafat’s visit, Iran severed ties with Israel and expelled Israeli diplomats.The PLO found Iran’s revolution inspiring, given that Khomenei, who had been exiled from his homeland, defeated a militarily powerful enemy supported by the US, something that the PLO thought it could replicate against Israel.

On the other hand, Palestinians felt Arab nationalism was at a dead end. Arabs were defeated in the1967 war, Jordanexpelled the PLO in 1970andEgypt recognized Israel in 1978.

During theIran hostage crisis, PLO attempted to mediate with the Iranian students, but failed.In addition, secret documents were allegedly discovered at the US embassy detailing Israeli support for the Shah’s regime.

At the start of theIran-Iraq war, Yasser Arafat tried to mediate betweenSaddam Husseinand Khomenei.Arafat feared the war would distract from the Palestinian cause.Arafat travelled personally on September 20, 1980, to Baghdad and Tehran, but his efforts were unsuccessful. Arafat eventually sided with Iraq during the war.Despite this, Iranian leaders kept a pro-Palestinian stance.

Israeli Occupation of Lebanon

In 1982,Israel invaded Lebanon. The leaders of the Lebanese Shia community appealed to Iran for help.Khomeini sent his defense minister and military leaders to Syria to assist, but eventually concluded that Iran could not fight a two-front war given its ongoing war with Iraq.

Despite Israeli success in eradicating PLO bases and partial withdrawal in 1985, the Israeli invasion had actually increased the severity ofconflict with local Lebanese militiasand resulted in the consolidation of several local Shia Muslim movements in Lebanon, includingHezbollahandAmal, from a previously unorganized guerrilla movement in the south. Over the years, military casualties of both sides grew higher, as both parties used more modern weaponry, and Hezbollah progressed in its tactics. Iran supplied the militant organization Hezbollah with substantial amounts of financial, training, weapons, explosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid while persuading Hezbollah to take action against Israel.Hezbollah’s 1985 manifesto listed among its four main goals “Israel’s final departure from Lebanon as a prelude to its final obliteration.”According to reports released in February 2010, Hezbollah received $400 million from Iran.By the early 1990s, Hezbollah, with support from Syria and Iran, emerged as the leading group and military power, monopolizing the directorship of the guerrilla activity in South Lebanon.


Shabaa Farms conflict

Since theIsraeli withdrawal from southern Lebanonand take-over of Hezbollah over the assets of theSouth Lebanon Armyin May 2000, the conflict continued at low-level,centered around Shabaa Farms– a small region on the Hermon mountain slope. With the election of Iranian hardlinerMahmoud Ahmadinejadin 2005, relations between Iran and Israel became increasingly tense as the countries engaged in a series of proxy conflicts and covert operations against each other.

2006 War

During the2006 Lebanon War,Iranian Revolutionary Guardswere believed to have directly assistedHezbollahfighters in their attacks on Israel. Multiple sources suggested that hundreds of Revolutionary Guard operatives participated in the firing of rockets into Israel during the war, and secured Hezbollah’s long-range missiles. In addition, Revolutionary Guard operatives were alleged to have supervised Hezbollah’s attack on theINSHanitwith aC-802anti-ship missile. The attack severely damaged the warship and killed four crewmen.On 6 September 2007, theIsraeli Air Forcedestroyed a suspected nuclear reactorin Syria, with tenNorth Koreansreportedly killed.

Evolving Iranian support to Hamas

During and immediately after theGaza War, the Israeli Air Force, with the assistance of Israeli commandos, was reported to have allegedly carried outthree airstrikesagainst Iranian arms being smuggled toHamasthroughSudan, as Iran launched an intensive effort to supply Hamas with weapons and ammunition. Israel hinted that it was behind the attacks. Two truck convoys were destroyed, and an arms-laden ship was sunk in theRed Sea. On 4 November 2009, Israelcaptured a shipin the eastern Mediterranean Sea and its cargo of hundreds of tons of weapons allegedly bound from Iran to Hezbollah.

Proxy conflicts and sabotage


In 2010, a wave of assassinations targeting Iranian nuclear scientists began. The assassinations were the work ofMossad – the methods used to kill the scientists is reminiscent of the way Mossad had previously assassinated targets. The assassinations were alleged to be an attempt to stop Iran’s nuclear program, or to ensure that it cannot recover following a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.

In June 2010Stuxnet, an advancedcomputer wormwas discovered. It is believed that it had been developed by US and Israel to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities. In a study conducted byISISit is estimated that Stuxnet might have damaged as many as 1,000centrifuges(10% of all installed) in theNatanz enrichment plant.Other computer viruses and malware, includingDuquandFlame, were reportedly related to Stuxnet. Iran claims that its adversaries regularly engineer sales of faulty equipment and attacks by computer viruses to sabotage its nuclear program


On 15 March 2011, Israelseized a shipfrom Syria bringing Iranian weapons to Gaza.In addition, the Mossad was also suspected of being responsible for an explosion that reportedly damaged the nuclear facility atIsfahan. Hours after the blast took place; Hezbollah fired two rockets into northern Israel. TheIsrael Defense Forcesreacted by firing four artillery shells at the area from where the launch originated. It was speculated that the attack was ordered by Iran and Syria as a warning to Israel. The Mossad was suspected of being behind anexplosionat a Revolutionary Guard missile base in November 2011. The blast killed 17 Revolutionary Guard operatives, including GeneralHassan Moqaddam, described as a key figure in Iran’s missile program.

In response to Israeli covert operations, Iranian agents reportedly began trying to hit Israeli and Jewish targets; potential targets were then placed on high alert.Yoram Cohen, the head ofShin Bet, claimed that three planned attacks inTurkey,AzerbaijanandThailandwere thwarted at the last minute.On 11 October 2011, theUnited Statesclaimed to havefoiled an alleged Iranian plotthat included bombing the Israeli andSaudiembassies inWashington DCandBuenos Aires.


On 13 February 2012, Israeli embassy staff inGeorgiaandIndiaweretargeted. It was an Indian citizen who worked for an Iranian publication.

On 18 July 2012, a bus carrying Israeli tourists inBulgariawas destroyed in abombing attackthat killed five Israeli On 6 October 2012, Israeli airplanes shot down a smallUAVas it flew over northernNegev. Hezbollahconfirmed it sent the drone andNasrallahsaid in a televised speech that the drone’s parts were manufactured in Iran.

On 24 October 2012, Sudan claimed that Israel hadbombed a munitions factory, allegedly belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, and south of Khartoum.

In November 2012, Israel reported that an Iranian ship was being loaded with rockets to be exported to countries within range of Israel and that Israel “will attack and destroy any shipment of arms”.


On 5 March 2014, the Israeli navy intercepted the Klos-C cargo ship. Israel stated Iran was using the vessel to smuggle dozens of long-range rockets to Gaza, including Syrian-manufactured M-302 rockets. The operation, namedFull Disclosureand carried out byShayetet 13Special Forces, took place in the Red Sea, 1,500 kilometers away from Israel and some 160 kilometers from Port Sudan.

Iranian state media reported that on 24 August 2014,IRGChad shot down an Israeli drone nearNatanz fuel enrichment plant.

Two workers were killed in an explosion that took place at a military explosives factory southeast of Tehran, near the suspected nuclear reactor inParchin. In what seemed to be a response ordered by Iran.Hezbollah set off an explosive device on the border between Lebanon and the Israeli-controlled side of theShebaa farms, wounding two Israeli soldiers. Israel responded with artillery fire toward two Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon.

During the Syrian “regime change” War

Israel and Syria have observed a truce since Israel reaffirmed its control over most of theGolan Heightsin the 1973Yom Kippur War, but theSyrian Civil War, which began in 2011, has led to severalincidents of fire exchangeacross the once-peaceful borders.

In the Syrian War, hoping to bolster its logistics and force projection capabilities in the area, Tehran aims to clear a path from the Iranian capital to Damascus and the Mediterranean coast.The Israeli government is convinced that Iran is interested in creating territorial contiguity from Iran to the Mediterranean and in transferring military forces – including naval vessels, fighter planes and thousands of troops – to permanent bases in Syria and is trying to “Lebanonize” Syria and take over using Shi’ite militias, as it had done with Hezbollah in Lebanon.AsIsraeli Defence MinisterAvigdor Liebermanhas warned, “everything possible will be done to prevent the existence of a Shi’ite corridor from Tehran to Damascus”.

In 2017, Israeli intelligence discovered an Iranian base being built in Syria just 50km from the Israeli border. The assistance provided by Iran’s IRGCQuds Forceunder GeneralQasem Soleimani, Hezbollah, and Russia to the Syrian government enabledBashar al-Assadto emerge victorious from the war in 2017, which ensured that the “worst-case scenario” for Israel, a contiguous “Axis of Resistance” stretching from Iran and Iraq through Syria to the Lebanese-Israeli border, had been realized.

MossaddirectorYossi Cohensaid in 2018 that Israel’s failure to prevent an Assad victory in Syria, together with Israel’s failure to defeat Hezbollah in 2006, had meant that “[Iranian General] Qassem Soleimani, should he be so minded, could drive his car from Tehran to Lebanon’s border with Israel without being stopped. And the same route would be open to truckloads of rockets bound for Iran’s main regional proxy, Hezbollah.”

Conflict between the Rockefeller Empire & Israel 2011-2016

This full story is told in our article, titled “The Break Up”, dated 10 September 2016,

But, here is the short version.

The war in Syria broke out in March 2011. As explained in earlier issues, the war was fought to decide whose gas pipeline would be built to supply the EU with natural gas: Iran’s or Qatar’s. That war is still ongoing, and is sucking in nation after nation into it.

The Golan Heights is a strategic piece of real estate in the area between Israel and Syria. Captured by Israel in the 1967 war, and heavily fought over by Israel and Syria in the 1973 war, Israel had, nonetheless, managed to hold on to it. The largest tank battle since World War 11 was fought here, in October-November 1973. More than 2000 tanks fought in this battle, with very heavy losses on both sides. A buffer zone, some 22 kilometers wide was established on the Golan Heights, manned by the UN. The Golan Heights are illegally occupied by Israel. In 1981, Israel passed the Golan Heights Law, imposing Israeli laws, jurisdiction and administration, to the Golan Heights. In response the UN Security Council passed Resolution 242 which declared Israel must withdraw from all lands occupied in the 1967 war with Syria, including the Golan Heights. In layman’s terms, Israel is a thief, and refuses to return what it has stolen.

In 2011, Israel granted a US-based company, Genie Oil and Gas of Israel a license to conduct exploratory drilling in most of the southern parts of the Golan Heights. The company is a local subsidiary of New Jersey-based Genie Energy Limited. Sitting on the Strategic Advisory Board of Genie Energy are a combination of high – profile people. From the Rockefeller camp, we find Dick Cheney (former US Vice President), James Woolsey (former CIA head), Bill Richardson (US State Department), and Larry Summers (former US Treasury Secretary). From the Rothschild camp, we find Rupert Murdoch (the media baron), Michael Steinhardt (an American financier working for Jacob Rothschild), and Jacob Rothschild himself! It would be hard to find a more high-powered group than this, sitting on the board of an obscure oil company.

Oil was discovered in the Golan Heights in early 2012. Then the Rothschilds, through their mouthpiece, Benjamin Nethanyahu, decided to leave out the Rockefellers, and take it all for themselves. So what else is new?

And, herein posed a strategic danger, not only for the US, but for the entire world. The most dangerous equation in the Middle East is not Syria, or Libya, but Israel’s quest for energy independence. What would this imply? Were Israel to get access to ‘free energy, or ‘free stolen energy’, she would use this to turbo-charge its military machine to destabilize the Middle East, and expand its physical size. Say what you like, or think. There are very few nations or individuals that like the Zionists in the world today. But they are muzzled by the power and influence of the Rothschild wealth. As we have said before, “Israel is the visible tip of an invisible empire”. That empire is the Rothschild Empire.

A comparison would be useful. The largest single consumer of oil in the world is the Pentagon. It consumes 1 million barrels of oil a day. Now if Israel gets even 5 %, or 50,000 barrels of oil a day, as “free energy’, their physical expansion in the region would shortly follow. By capturing the oil and gas fields, Israel would then be in a position to ‘blackmail’ the world into agreeing to accept all those issues which bedevils her; such as its settlement policy, the Al Aqsa Compound, the treatment and future placement of the Palestinians, its takeover of Gaza, and so on. That would definitely detonate a global war to the death between the Muslims and Israel.

All the major nations of the world, with the exception of Britain, Australia, and Canada, deep in their hearts pray that Israel does not achieve energy independence. We have seen how Israel is trying to solidify its control of Gazan gas. With the control of the energy resources of the Golan Heights, they would become an unstoppable force in the region. Something had to be done to stop it. And here, David Rockefeller, once again devised a brilliant geopolitical play. The key here was how to stop Israel from proceeding with its Golan Heights play.

As explained, were the US to change Iran’s orbit from a pro-Russia/Chinese axis, to a pro-American one, it would be a global game-changer. The US had tried to destabilize Iran, ever since Khomeini double-crossed David Rockefeller in 1979. An unofficial state of war existed between the two nations. Iran’ economy was under a heavy burden imposed by the sanctions regime on it. The financial elite wanted to break out of this situation. Their chance came in the 2012 elections in Iran. The new leader was Hasan Rouhani. He was the hand-picked protégé of Hassim Rafsanjani, Iran’s wealthiest individual, a billionaire, and the number one in Iran’s elite.

He is first and foremost a business man – business and trade with the world. This would help reduce unemployment, create stability to the rule of the clergy, and make the elite even wealthier. He pressed for an end to sanctions, and pushed for an opening with Washington. Starting just after the elections, with Rouhani as Iran’s new President, a back channel was opened with Washington. Both parties seized the opportunities that this opening would bring.

The Mossad and British Intelligence have eyes and ears everywhere. They caught wind of these negotiations. Nethanyahu tried to sabotage this. This is the background to the unexplained hatred between Obama and Nethanyahu. New York devised a strategy. Washington would do a deal with Iran, to remove sanctions, and to trade. At the same time, it would be in the interests of both parties, the US and Iran, if Iran were to send troops to the Golan Heights to stop Israel going ahead with the development of the oil deposits. Iran agreed. And sent a force called the Qods Force, headed by General Qasim Soleiman. He is the head of Iran’s Special Forces. In addition, Iran would use Hezbollah troops on the Golan as well. Israel, and the Rothschilds were very, very upset at this latest development.

In early 2013, Israel began to build fortifications to seal off the Golan Heights from Syria, knowing there was little Assad or Syria could do to stop it. As Genie Energy began moving into the Golan Heights, Israeli military engineers overhauled the 72 kilometer long border fence with Syria, replacing it with a steel barrier that includes barbed wire, touch sensors, motion detectors, infrared cameras, and ground radar, putting it on a par with the Wall Israel has constructed in the West Bank. Within the national security apparatus of the United States, there are many officials who detest Israel, its intelligence service – the Mossad, and its pro-Israel lobby within Washington. Time and again, there have been skirmishes in the shadow world that have often led to the deaths of many agents on both sides. When Israel made its decision to ‘go it alone’ with respect to the oil deposits, this anti-Israel, pro-American patriotic impulse rose to the surface. It was time for payback. Israel had taken delivery of four dolphin submarines from Germany, over the past ten years. And these have been equipped to handle nuclear weapons. No one knows just how many nuclear weapons Israel really has. Figures quoted have mentioned anything from 200 to as much as 500 nuclear weapons at Israel’s possession. And the craziest thing is that most of these weapons are targeted at America, Europe, Russia, and Asian countries. A handful is targeted at Arab countries. And those at the highest levels of power in the world are fully aware of this.

The anti-Israel faction went into full mode in doing what it could to hamper Israel’s quest for regional dominance. The US Navy has the largest number of very advanced submarines in the world. And they keep a very, very careful watch on each and every submarine in the world, whether it’s an ally, or an enemy. In this manner, they were tracking Israel’s dolphin submarines; especially the one off Syria’s coast. The US Navy provided the Syrians with the exact location of a dolphin, and on May 13, 2013, a Syrian anti-submarine helicopter destroyed an Israeli submarine.

A second Israeli submarine was also destroyed by the US Navy, but there is no confirmation of this. Such events rarely make it into the public domain. One can only ascertain this by checking up on how many Dolphin submarines Israel had prior to this date; and how many they now have. Plus, they took delivery of an additional two from Germany to make up for the two that were destroyed. The Israeli retaliation was not long in coming. The Mossad, being a Rothschild intelligence agency, was tasked with one mission; “hurt the Rockefellers”.

On June, 2014, David’s son, Dr. Richard Rockefeller, age 65, was returning to his home after visiting his father, who would turn 98 on the 15th. His small plane took off from the Westchester airport, and a few minutes later, crashed to the ground, killing Richard Rockefeller. A close and very quiet investigation followed. The results confirmed that this was a Mossad hit.

The murder of David’s son created an open break between the two families. There were many conflicts between the two families, as narrated above. It never went personal, until now. There would be no ‘business as usual’. There would be no ‘reconciliation’. This murder signaled a “declaration of war’ between the two most powerful financial groups in the world.

Many have said that the event of September 11, 2001, was the day the world changed. They were wrong. This was the day the world changed. The resulting shift on the international arena would be profound. The best analysts have failed to pick this up. They don’t realize that the Anglo-American special relationship- for the moment- is dead; and Israel has now become a strategic liability for the US.

Very soon after this, the highest levels of the national security elements acted. Any Jew or those with known pro-Israel leanings, working in sensitive positions were fired. This applied to such agencies as the CIA, the Pentagon, NSA, NRO, the DIA, and any other sensitive positions in the State Department, the Treasury, and even the White House. Israel was now an open enemy of the Rockefeller management office, otherwise known as the White House. Everyone knows that there is open enmity, bordering on hate, between Obama and Netanyahu. They did not know why. This is the reason!

The United States was poised to attack Syria, in August 2013. They held back at the last minute. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia were disappointed, to put it mildly.On this point, there are many, many reports of Jewish/Zionist control of American politics. If this were so, then why did America not bomb Syria? The real answer is that the Jews/Zionists DO NOT HAVE POLITICAL CONTROL of America. They lost in January 1933, when Franklin Roosevelt became the President. It suits the Rockefeller network to sustain the myth of Jewish control of America. In this manner, less public attention is focused on them. Likewise, the lie that the Israelis were responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001, in New York and Washington, was given a strong push. Why? Less attention would be placed on the Rockefeller network. Remember, long before this attack, senior members of the family were calling this attack “the event”.

American policy circles decided it was time to bring Israel down a peg or two. When Israel attacked Gaza for the 4thtime in mid-2014, this was done without American consent, unlike the previous three attacks. The result was an international media outcry against Israel, and the US was encouraging this anti-Israel global rage. Issues such as Israel’s settlement policies, its oppression of the Palestinians, as well as anything to harm Israel’s image in the court of world opinion was given weight to. The Rockefellers went even further, when the UN began to admit the Palestinian Authority into select UN bodies. New York actively encouraged many European countries to start giving due recognition to Palestine. A third front was opened when American financial authorities began imposing fines on the big global banks. Although some Rockefeller Group banks were fined, such as Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, the greater number of banks hit with heavy fines were Rothschild Banks. These were Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, ING Netherlands, Socity Generale, Banco Santander, Commerz Bank, and a few others. In America, Bank of America was within the Rothschild orbit. These European banks are known in the highest financial circles as the Inter Alpha Group, a Rothschild holding.

It is open warfare between the two parties. The funny thing between these two families is that they fight one another on many fronts, but also co-operate with each other on other fronts. A good example of this is that the formation and letting loose ISIS in May 2014 was a joint project of the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and French Intelligence. The aim was to wrest Kurdistan away from Baghdad’s control, and to initiate the break-up of Iraq into three parts. But, Iran foiled this plot when it mobilized its militias and the IRGC to defeat ISIS

On October 8, 2015, Yuval Bartov, chief geologist for Genie Energy’s Israeli subsidiary, Afek Oil and Gas, told Israel’s Channel 2 TV that his company had found a major oil deposit on the Golan Heights: “We’ve found an oil stratum 350 meters thick in the southern Golan Heights. On average worldwide, strata are 20 to 30 meters thick, and this is 10 times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities.” This oil find has now made the Golan Heights a strategic prize that clearly has the Netanyahu government more determined than ever to sow chaos and disorder in Damascus and use that to de facto create an Israeli irreversible occupation of the Golan and its oil. A cabinet minister, Naftali Bennet, Minister of Education and Diaspora Affairs, has made a proposal that Israel settle 100,000 new Israeli settlers across the Golan in five years. He argues that with Syria disintegrating after years of war, it is hard to imagine a stable state to which the Golan Heights could be returned. A growing number of voices in Tel Aviv is pushing Netanyahu to demand American recognition of Israel’s 1981 annexation of the Golan as an “appropriate reward to Israeli security concerns in the wake of the nuclear deal with Iran.” Trump made this wish of the Rothschilds come true during his term in office.

There have been many reports in the media that Israel is helping the jihadists in Syria, around the Golan Heights, with medical treatment, and even military supplies. Here is the background: Israel has created a jihadist force in the Golan to make sure that Syria, Iran or Hezbollah do not manage to take over the Golan. And it is providing these jihadists with whatever help they need to ensure this. In October, 2015, a very interesting revelation was made by a Russian colonel, who came to assess the security issue on the area around the Golan Heights. He had made a profound discovery, and was amazed at what he found. He said that the area around the town of Quenitra was not involved in any recent battles, but all he found there was total destruction – “How can there be such destruction, with not even a wall standing, when no battle had taken place here?”

What he did not know was the following. Senator John McCain registered a complaint in early November, 2015, saying that US Air Force planes, on bombing missions to hit ISIS targets, were coming back, with a full or partial bomb load. Why were they not dropping bombs? The US Air Force was actually bombing the area on the Golan Heights, in order to stop and disrupt Genie Energy’s drilling operations! Yes folks.

That is correct. Even many in the media were commenting that America is conning the whole world, when they said that they were bombing ISIS, without any reduction in ISIS capability. It would only make sense when viewed with the above information. As Russia, Iran, Hezbollah turn their attention south to Israel’s borders, the Israeli military is getting nervous. They would soon form a new Commando Brigade to defend the Golan Heights, and its first new commander is Colonel David Zini. It would be composed of 4 battalions: Duvdevan, Egoz, Maglan, and Rimon.

The Nuclear Deal between Iran & The West

As part of the secret deal between the Rockefeller Empire and Rahsanjani, a nuclear accord was signed in July 2015 by Iran and several world powers, including the US; the JCPOA placed significant restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange billions of dollars in sanctions relief.

Back to Washington. When Iran signed the groundbreaking deal with the US and its European allies, Israel tried very hard to derail this agreement. There were threats that the Senate and Congress would not allow this to pass. Israel was counting on its paid and controlled US lawmakers to achieve this. To neutralize this threat, US intelligence agencies showed some very incriminating documents to Carl Boehmer, the ranking Republican Senator. Boehmer was the strongest pro-Israeli lawmaker. He was told, in no uncertain terms to resign. If not, these documents will land him in jail. Very quietly, Boehmer resigned. It was a shock to the Israeli lobby. They had lost their main man. The rest of the lawmakers got the message, and fell in line.

When Putin was in New York, on September 30, 2015, he got the confirmation that Boehmer, was out of the game. The very next day, Russia launched its attacks on the ISIS, and other jihadist groups in Syria.

Rafsanjani died on 8 January 2017 due to a heart attack in a pool.In 2018 Hassan Rouhani ordered the Iranian supreme national Security Council to reopen an investigation into Rafsanjani’s death.Family members stated that although an autopsy had not been performed, the level of radioactivity in his body was “10 times what is considered permissible” and that Rafsanjani’s daughter Fatemeh and his wife also had unusually high levels of radioactivity.

The Covert War between Iran & Israel – Behind The News Network (1)

Mehdi Hashemi, the son of former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, addresses the media before entering the Evin Prison in Tehran, Iran, August 11, 2015

On January 17, 2023 a son of former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani was freed after serving more than seven years of a 10-year jail sentence for fraud. Mehdi Rafsanjani was convicted of fraud, embezzlement and undermining national security in August 2015, charges he had previously denounced as “politically motivated.” He had served as a senior official in Iran’s oil sector in the mid-2000s, a period when Norway’s Statoil and French energy company Total were suspected of paying bribes to obtain access to the Islamic Republic’s hydrocarbon reserves. In 2018, a Paris criminal court found Total guilty of “corruption of a foreign public agent” for payments made to Mehdi Rafsanjani for help in securing rights to the huge South Pars offshore gas field which Iran shares with Qatar in the Gulf. Mehdi’s father, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, served as president from 1989 to 1997 and was regarded as a moderate who supported improving ties with the West. He was at odd with the nationalist and anti-West group in Iran and as well as with the IRGC- which eventually found a way to get rid of him. First, they imprisoned his son, Mehdi, on corruption charges in 2015; then three years later, he died of a “heart attack” in his pool; his family believes he was poisoned with radiation. With his death, the Rockefeller Empire cancelled the nuclear deal with Iran, also in 2018- very shortly after Rafsanjani’s murder.

As one son was being released from prison, another child, Rafsanjani’s daughter, Faezeh Hashemi was sentenced to five years in prison for “collusion against the security of the country. The authorities knew of links between Rafsanjani’s children with the West. She was arrested in September and convicted of inciting Tehran residents to join protests over the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd, who had been arrested for allegedly violating Iran’s strict dress code for women.

The geopolitical stakes in the Middle East just got higher. AddGenie Energy, the contested Golan Heights between Syria and Israel, add a major oil discovery there just as Russia’s bombing campaign in Syria goes into high gear, shake it vigorously and we have a prime detonator for World War Three.

Folks that is the background to the “Break-Up”. Shocking, but true. Hopefully, this would help to reduce the perception in many minds that “snow is not black”.

Russia, Syria and Qaseem Soleimani

Iran was especially focused on opposing any and all efforts – outside and domestic — to topple president Bashar al-Assad from power in Damascus. Tehran saw this as imperative in order to safeguard Iran’sexistential interestin maintaining Syria as a vital link in its land bridge to the Hezbollah in Lebanon from which to pressure Israel. This land bridge was also vital for Iran in securing a gas and oil pipelines to the Mediterranean Sea.

Russia saw Syria more as a platform from which to resist Western-inspired “regime change;” and, as a location to force the West in general and the United States in particular to deal with Russia as an equal. After bitterly criticizing the murder of Libyan president Muammar Gadhafi in October 2011, Putin vowed that there would beno repeat of the “Libyan scenario.”Syria soon became that key spot for Putin to present himself as a strong leader defending not only Russia’s global status, but also other states’ sovereignty and independence against foreign interference. Syria also helpedkeep Putin’s domestic approval ratings high.

From 2011-2014, Putin’s Russia secured its major aims for Syria mainly at distance. Lebanese Hezbollah fighters, Iranian advisors and financial support, and Russian military supplies and diplomatic backing had preserved Assad’s Damascus regime. However, the spectacular wave of ISIS victories across Iraq and Syria, culminating withthe capture of Palmyra in May 2015, took all by surprise.

The Rothschild trinity – the father France, the mother Britain and the child Israel, formed a joint operation-ISIS- to take Kurdistan in Iraq, and make it independent of Baghdad, thus forcing the break-up of Iraq into three – a long held dream of Israel. The full story will be explained in another article, soon.

After 4 years of defending the Assad regime in the UN Security Council and 2 years of supplying its army with basic war-fighting necessities, Putin viewed ISIS’s string of victories as a stark threat to hisenormous personal reputational interestsin Syria.

Putin responded by accelerating shipments of Russian military supplies to Damascus.

Beginning in June 2015 – more than a month before Soleimani’s visit to Moscow — there was arguably a sustained increase in the frequency of Russian naval shuttle deliveries through the Bosporus, the so-called “Syrian Express” that began in 2012. This logistical uptick during mid-2015 included preparations for subsequent Russian air operations in Syria based at Hmeimim airbase in Latakia.

By September 30, 2015, Russia launched its air operations in Syria. A week after the 2015 air campaign began; an anonymous Russian official asserted that planning for an expanded military presence in Latakia and the port of Tartus had startedmore than 4 to 6 months earlier, sometime in the April–June period. The man who argued Assad’s case to Russian defense and security officials — and convinced them the war was still winnable — was Soleimani, who traveled to Moscow in July 2015, unfurled a map of Syria on the table and explained what could be done to prevent Assad’s regime from falling.

Soleimani’s July 2015 visit “was the first step in planning for a Russian military intervention that has reshaped the Syrian war and forged a new Iranian-Russian alliance in support of Assad.” As a “senior regional official” described it, “Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime. The Iranians assured them there is still the possibility to reclaim the initiative.”

Russia reached its strategic decision on Syria well in advance of Soleimani’s visit. The Quds Force commander was in Moscow that July more likely as an operational coordinator than a strategic advisor to the Russian president.

The Syria-Yemen Link

The urgency in creating an alternative route for oil and gas pipelines out of the Middle East was the key reason for both the Syrian and Yemeni “regime change operations. Both the Arabs and Iranians wanted alternatives in case the US decided to block the Straits of Hormuz.

With the failure to secure the Syrian route, especially after the Russian intervention in Syria, in September 2015, the foolish Saudis and Emiratis attacked Yemen, in the hopes of securing a bypass route. This was also unsuccessful. The Saudis made a peace deal with Yemen in 2022.

Covert operations (2013–2017)

Qaseem Solieimani was the head of the IRGC. His job was to combat the Israeli/American/British and French moves to break up the Middle East, and bring Iran to a position whereby it would not pose obstacles to their plan to dominate the Middle East.

On several occasions between 2013 and 2017 Israel reportedly carried out or supported attacks on Hezbollah and Iranian targets within Syrian territories or Lebanon. One of the first reliably reported incidents took place on 30 January 2013, when Israeli aircraftstruck a Syrian convoy transporting Iranian weapons to Hezbollah.

More incidents were attributed to IAF onMay 2013,December 2014andApril 2015. Some of those reports were confirmed by the Syrian Arab Republic, whereas others were denied. In 2015, Hezbollah launched a retaliatory attackon Israeli forces inShebaa farmsas a response to anIsraeli airstrikein the Syrian Golan that killed Hezbollah and IRGC senior operatives. In March 2017, Syrialaunched anti-aircraft missilestowards the Israeli-controlled part of the Golan Heights, targeting Israeli IAF aircraft, which Syria claimed were on their way to attack targets in Palmyra in Syria. After the incident, the State of Israel stated it was targeting weapons shipments headed toward Hezbollah, inLebanon. Israel denied Syria’s claim that one jet fighter was shot down and another damaged. Israel has not reported any pilots or aircraft missing in Syria, or anywhere else in the Middle East following the incident. According to some sources, the incident was the first time Israeli officials clearly confirmed an Israeli strike on a Hezbollah convoy during theSyrian Civil War. As of September 2017, this was the only time such confirmation was issued.

Open engagement (2017–2018)

Beginning in January 2017, the Israeli Air Force began flying almost daily attack missions against Iranian targets in Syria, dropping about 2,000 bombs in 2018 alone. Some Iranian targets were also attacked by Israelisurface-to-surface missilesor in raids by Israeli Special Forces. According to former IDF Chief of StaffGadi Eizenkot, the decision to strike Iranian bases in Syria was made after Iran changed its strategy in 2016 as the US-ledISIS was drawing to an end, planning to exploit the power vacuum to establish hegemony in Syria, building bases and bringing in foreign Shiite fighters. Although the full extent of the campaign would not be revealed until 2019, by early December 2017 the Israeli Air Force confirmed it had attacked arms convoys of Syria and Hezbollah nearly 100 times during more than six years of the conflict in Syria. In January 2019, outgoing IDF Chief of StaffGadi Eizenkotclaimed that up to that point, only a few dozen Iranian military personnel had been killed in the attacks, as Israel had taken care to primarily target Iranian infrastructure while sparing personnel so as not to give Iran any pretext to retaliate.

Heist of Iranian nuclear secrets in 2018

It was reported that the Mossad stole nuclear secrets from a secure warehouse in Tehran in January 2018. According to reports, the agents came in a truck semitrailer at midnight, cut into dozens of safes with “high intensity torches”, and carted out “50,000 pages and 163 compact discs of memos, videos and plans” before leaving in time to make their escape when the guards came for the morning shift at 7 am.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2022 book revealed several new details of the operation, including intent to sabotage the nuclear program by stealing irreplaceable documents, in addition to proving its mere existence.

Syria, Iraq and Lebanon (2019–2020)

In July 2019, it was reported that Israel had expanded its strikes against Iranian missile shipments toIraq, with IsraeliF-35combat planes striking Iranian targets in Iraq twice.Israeli airstrikes targeted Iran-backed militias in Iraq during 2019. On September 16, 2019, air strikes, targeting three positions of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and allied Iraqi militias, killed at least 10 pro-Iranian militiamen in Albu Kamal, Syria.

Assassinations, cyberwarfare and sabotage


The USassassinated Qasem Soleimanion 3 January, reversing policy of the prior administration which had warned Iran of Israeli attempts at assassinating Soleimani. The Iranians retailiated withOperation Martyr Soleimani, in which 11Qiam 1missiles hitAl-Asad Airbase, causingtraumatic brain injuriesto 110 American soldiers. On the same day, theIRGCmistakenly shot downUkraine International Airlines Flight 752, killing all 176 passengers and crew aboard, including 82 Iranian citizens.

On May 9, 2020, Israel was reportedly behind acyberattackthat disrupted the Shahid Rajaee port in theStrait of Hormuz, causing traffic jams of delivery trucks and delays in shipments. It was suggested the attack was a response to a failed Iranian cyberattack on an Israeli water facility of theSharon central regionin April.

In June and July, a series of explosions targeted Iran’s nuclear and missile programs and various other infrastructures. On August 4, amassive explosiontook place at the Beirut port. There are rumors that Israel was behind this attack, with a mini-nuke being used. The other theory is that a ship filled with ammonium nitrate was the cause of it. It would be a simple matter for the Mossad to do this.

Attacks on ships and incidents in 2021

Israeli commandos carried out attacks which damaged numerous Iranian cargo ships carrying oil and weapons to Syria from late 2019 to 2021.Israeli-owned ships were attacked in theGulf of Omanand theArabian Sea, by Iran.Israel was also behind an attack on an Iranian intelligence ship of theIslamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navyin theRed Sea, which was heavily damaged by a limpet mine in April 2021.

On April 10, 2021, Iran began injectinguranium hexafluoridegas into advanced IR-6 and IR-5 centrifuges at Natanz, but an accident occurred in the electricity distribution network the next day due to Mossad activity, according to Western and Iranian sources.On April 13 2021, In what seemed to be an Iranian response, an Israeli-owned ship was attacked by a missile or a drone near the shores of theFujairah emiratein theUnited Arab Emirates, causing light damage to the vessel.On April 24, an Iranian fuel tanker was reportedly attacked off the Syrian coast by an Israeli drone, causing damage but no casualties.

On May 7, a massive fire broke out in Iran’s southwestern city of Bushehr near the only functioningnuclear power plantof the country. On May 9, an explosion occurred at an oil tanker off the coast of Syria, causing a small fire in one of its engines.On May 23, at least nine people were injured in a blast at an Iranian plant that reportedly producesUAVsin Isfahan. The blast occurred after Prime Minister Netanyahu said a drone armed with explosives that was downed by Israeli forces earlier in the week was launched by Iran toward Israel from either Syria or Iraq, amid thefighting in Gaza.On May 26, an explosion took place at a petrochemical complex in the city ofAsaluyehin southern Iran, killing a worker and injuring two.

On June 2, a fire broke out at an Iranian navy vessel, theIRIS Kharg, near the port ofJaskin the Gulf of Oman, although the entire crew was able to safely disembark before the ship sank.Later in the day there was a gas leak at an oil refinery in Tehran which caused a massive fire. No injuries were reported.On June 5, an explosion took place at the Zarand Iranian Steel Company in eastern Iran. No injuries were reported.On June 20, it was reported that Iran’s solenuclear power plant at Bushehrunderwent an emergency shutdown that would last between three and four daysOn June 23, a major damage was caused to one of the buildings ofIran’s Atomic Energy Organization, although Iranian authorities denied there was any damage or casualties as a result of the sabotage attempt.

On July 3, an Israeli-owned cargo ship was struck by an “unknown weapon” in the northern Indian Ocean, causing a fire to erupt onboard the vessel, although no injuries were reported. Israeli sources suspect that Iran was behind the attack.On July 5, a large fire was reported at a warehouse or factory near the city ofKaraj, where an alleged previous attack targeted a nuclear facility reportedly used to produce centrifuges.On July 14, Iranian media reported an explosion at an office building in western Tehran, causing heavy damage to part of the building.On July 29, an Israeli-operated oil tankerwas attackednear the coast ofOman. According to senior Israeli officials, the attack was conducted by Iran.

On August 10, a major explosion took place on a commercial ship docked at theLatakiaport in Syria. Some reports identified the targeted ship as Iranian.The same day a fire broke out at an Iranian petrochemical factory onKhark Islandin the Persian Gulf.

On September 26, three people were injured in a fire at an IRGC research center west of Tehran.

On October 26, a cyber-attack crippled gas stations across Iran. It was reported that some hacked systems displayed messages addressing Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, demanding to know “where is the gas.”

On November 7, it was reported that Mossad thwarted multiple Iranian attacks on Israelis in Tanzania, Senegal and Ghana. African authorities arrested five suspects. Iran has also attempted to strike Israeli targets overseas and using cyber-attacks

Assassinations and covert bilateral attacks in 2022–2023

In February 2022, an Israeli attack against an Iranian base destroyed hundreds of drones, which prompted Iran to fire missiles on an American consulate inIrbil(Iraqi Kurdistan) the following month. An Iranian cyber-attack on Israeli websites was also reported.

In March 2022,Reutersreported that Israel was carrying out airstrikes against Iranian personnel and militias in Syria backed by Iran. The report said that Israel “seeks to prevent Iran from transferring weapons toHezbollah”.

In May 2022, A Rockefeller entity, Chevron bought Noble Oil, which had a large stake in Gaza’s offshore gas fields. This signaled the start of a concerted campaign by the Rockefeller Empire to be ready to take over all the gas fields before the end of 2023- when the original license given to British Gas by the Palestinian Authority expires. The Mossad got a heads-up to degrade the IRGC-Hezbollah ties even more. And, from this, the covert war between Israel and Iran became dirtier and ugly.

On May 22, Col.Hassan Sayyad Khodaei, a senior member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, was shot dead in his car in Tehran. He was among those responsible within the Guard’s eliteQuds Forcefor carrying out Iranian operations in Iraq and Syria.On May 25, an engineer was killed and another employee was wounded during an incident at the Parchin military facility south of Tehran.Also in May, Israeli and Turkish security agencies foiled an Iranian plot to kidnap Israeli tourists in Turkey.Another plotwas foiledin June following a Mossad rescue operation inIstanbul.

On June 12, Argentinian authorities immobilized an IranianMahan Aircargo plane that was leased to a Venezuelan state-owned airline. The passports of five Iranian passengers traveling on the plane were confiscated, some of whom were purportedly linked to the IRGC.On June 13, Mohammad Abdous, an Iranian Air Force scientist from the Aerospace Unit working on several projects, was killed during a mission at a base in northern Iran. The incident occurred less than 24 hours after Ali Kamani, another member of the air force’s Aerospace Unit, died in a car accident in the city of Khomein.The New York Times reported that Iranian officials suspect Israel poisoned engineer Ayoob Entezari and geologist Kamran Aghamolaei. On June 14, an explosion at a chemical factory in the southern city of Firouzabad injured over 100 Iranian workers, most of them lightly.On June 15, another IRGC officer of the aerospace division, Wahab Premarzian, died in the city of Maragheh.On June 19, an explosion was reported at an IRGC missile base in west Tehran. The site had been targeted last year as well.On June 27, a large cyber-attack forced the Iranian state-ownedKhuzestan Steel Companyto halt production, with two other major steel producers also being targeted. Israeli military correspondents hinted that Israel was responsible for the assault in retaliation for a suspected Iranian cyber-attack that caused rocket sirens to be heard in Jerusalem and Eilat the previous week.

In July, IRGC engineer Said Thamardar Mutlak was killed in a suspected Mossad assassination inShiraz, while Iranian state-media reported that a Mossad-linked spy network planning to carry out “unprecedented acts of sabotage and terrorist operations” in Iran was captured by IRGC intelligence.

On August 22, IRGC Brigadier General Abolfazal Alijani was killed in the Aleppo region of Syria.

On September 1, an explosion occurred at a key oil refinery in Abadan that supplies 25% of Iran’s fuel needs. No injuries were reported.

On November 15, 2023, an oil tanker owned by an Israeli billionaire was attacked off the coast of Oman by an Iranian drone belonging to the IRGC, causing damage but no injuries. The same day security services in Georgia announced they foiled an Iranian plot to assassinate an Israeli businessman in that country, which was supposed to have been carried out by a Pakistani hit squad hired by Iran and assisted by the IRGC.

On November 23, Iran blamed Israel for the death of a senior adviser of theIRGC’s aerospace divisionwho was killed by a roadside bomb near Damascus.

On January 28, 2023,a series of bomb-carrying drones attackedan Iranian defense factory in Isfahan, causing material damage at the plant, while a fire broke out at a refinery in the country’s northwest the same day.According toThe Wall Street Journal, Israel was responsible for the strike.

On February 17, the IRGC launched a drone attack against an Israeli-owned vessel in the Persian Gulf, causing minor damage.In March, Greek authorities—with help from Mossad—arrested two foreigners that were part of an Iranian cell looking to attack Israelis in that country.

In April,Shin Betannounced the arrest of two Palestinians in the West Bank who were recruited by Hezbollah and the IranianQuds Forceto carry out attacks on their behalf.

In June, a planned attack by IRGC members against Jews and Israelis in Cyprus was foiled byCypriot intelligence servicesin cooperation with US and Israeli agencies.

In September,a suspected explosion struck an Iranian missile base in the city ofKhorramabad, with some observers suggesting it was a Mossad operation. On September 27,Shin Betarrested a five-person cell, consisting of three Palestinians and two Israeli citizens, that security officials claimed was an Iranian-led cell gathering intelligence to assassinate far-right Israeli ministerItamar Ben-Gvirand far-right activistYehuda Glick.On September 28, a fire broke out at a car battery factory owned by theIranian Defense Ministryfor the second time in less than a week.

During the Israel–Hamas war

The armed conflict betweenIsraelandPalestinianmilitant groups led byHamasbegan on 7 October 2023,with acoordinated surprise offensiveon Israel. The attack began witha rocket barrageof at least 3,000 rockets launched from the Hamas-controlledGaza Stripagainst Israel. In parallel, approximately 2,500 Palestinian militants breached theGaza–Israel barrier, attackingmilitary bases in neighboring Israeli communities. The surprise Palestinian attack was met withIsraeli retaliatory strikes,and Israel formally declared war on Hamas and its allies a day later. Iran threatened Israel to immediately stop the war on Gaza.A conflictwas reported between militants in Lebanon, includingHezbollah, and Israeli forces on 8 and 9 October.

Iran and its proxies,Russiaand to a lesser extentChinahave launched a disinformation campaign against Israel,Ukraine–which condemned the attacks– and their main ally, the United States, accusing Israel and the United States ofcommitting war crimes in Gaza. Amidst the war, the Houthi insurgent group extended the conflict’s reach bylaunching missile attacks directed towards Israeli territory.

In December, two Iranian suspects linked to the IRGC were arrested in Cyprus for planning to target Israelis there.On December 16, Iran reportedly executed a spy working for the Mossad inSistan and Baluchestan province.On December 18, Iranian media reported disruptions at 60% of gas stations across the country after a cyber-attack by the hacktivist group Predatory Sparrow.On 23 December, a drone reportedly from Iran struck an Israeli-affiliated, Liberian-flagged chemical products tanker identified byAsian News InternationalasMV Chem Plutoin theArabian Sea, 370 km southwest of the coast ofVeraval, India.The attack caused a fire on board, but there were no injuries reported. The tanker, which was carrying crude oil, had a crew of 20 Indians, and came from a port in Saudi Arabia. TheIndian Navyresponded to the incident, and sentICGSVikramto the tanker.

The Covert War between Iran & Israel – Behind The News Network (2)

On 25 December,Sayyed Razi Mousavi, a top commander and senior adviser of the IRGC, was killed by an Israeli airstrike in theSayyida Zeinabarea.On December 28, eleven leaders of the IRGC were killed in an airstrike targeting theDamascus International Airport, according to Saudi media. It was reported that the IRGC commanders were meeting high-ranking delegates at the time of the strike.On 29 December, Iran executed four people for allegedly spying for the Mossad, and arrested several others.

On January 20, 2024, an airstrike killed five eliteIranian Revolutionary Guardsin a building in Damascus. Iran blamed Israel. On 29 January, Iran executed four people who were accused of planning to carry out a bomb plot ordered by Mossad against a factory producing military equipment.

On 14 February, explosions struck a natural gas pipeline in Iran, with an official blaming “sabotage and terrorist action”.

On 1 April 2024, the Iranian consulate annex building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, was struck by anIsraeli airstrike, killing 16 people, including Brigadier GeneralMohammad Reza Zahedi, a seniorQuds Forcecommander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and seven other IRGC officers.

On 13 April, Iran retaliated against the attack withmissile and drone strikes in Israel. Many, today, are not aware of the extensive covert war ongoing between Iran and Israel, for more than 15 years. This covert war is called the “war between wars”.

Our next article is a follow up to this, detailing the recent retaliation by Iran on Israel, and is titled “Iran sends a Message”.

The Covert War between Iran & Israel – Behind The News Network (2024)


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