Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (2024)

OOC: Other half of the Exodus begins combo, with Addie and Sinre.

IC: Bernael, Kigrael, Adalia, Kyp, Sabel, Decimus, Eleodie, Remus, Romulus, and Susurri

The family had boarded the Fury before it once again had weaved through the Bakuran defenses. None but the Royal Family and Feral knew what had transpired that night as the ship leapt too hyper. Bernael had set the course, once again one that hid their departure point and arrival point. But, as they approached their destination he could feel it, feel the mass of beings.

Settling into the command chair, Kigrael leaning against the nearby bulkhead to his left, Bernael prepared for arrival. Keying the intercom, “Adalia, Kyp…I have a feeling you’re going to want to see what’s here, when we decant from hyper. Your children may join us as well, on the bridge.”

"I was almost asleep." Adalia muttered.

"I wasn't, something feels really strange, can you not feel it?" Kyp asked.

She started to sit up, "no, then again, I'm not looking. Turn it off from time to time, you might like it." She swung her legs to the side of the bed, "I'll check on the kids, and you whatever you need to do.......don't want to tell you want to do....but pants might be a good start."

"Har har." He sat up and did as he was asked, pulling his black pants on as he watched her check the next room. "Asleep?"

"Out like lights. Come on, I'll tell him when we get there, must be something he wants you to see as well, ‘cause he used the intercom."

"That's right, endear him to me by reminding me what he can do that I can't." He stood with a raised eyebrow.

"Not my intention, come on." She opened the sliding door with her handprint and led them to the co*ckpit. "Kids are asleep, what's so important?" She asked.

Holding up a hand, the swirl of hyper still filling the viewscreen, Bernael dropped it when the swirl disappeared as they exited hyper. “That.”he said, gesturing outside where the space around the temperate world below them was crowded with ships of a multitude of designs. Nagai, Slissi, Eriaduan, Imperial designs, Old Republic designs, hybrid SDs, even a variety of droid ships all maneuvered around each other and the massive structures where each took up station and were connected to. As well there were shadowy forms of craft that seemed to flow around the others, several of which appeared to be heading towards them.

”This is who we’re traveling with, Adalia. I’m sure you and Kyp can feel the Force users out there.”

"She's not on....apparently, but I can." Kyp said evenly, "felt it before we came that exodus?"

Adalia said nothing as she searched the Force for what he'd mentioned.

“It is. As much of the Nagai that survive, many of their allies that didn’t want to be left behind, a group from an independent polity which while they had been Imperials once upon a time are their own people now, and…”A thought went out and the shadowy ships dropped their stealth fields, “at least a third of my own people.”

Kigrael pushed off the bulkhead, pointing at a long thin spearpoint shaped ship, bigger than almost anything there, “Looks like your Chiss friend and his people did make it, Sire.”

Adalia turned to him, "so your people.....will have 'trapped food'?" She asked, "I mean, with all due respect....if I can say that."

That was an angle Kyp had not thought of. "Fair question."

An almost amused look came over his features, “I’ve told you of the Circle of Masters. A new Circle is being formed from those taking this journey. However,…at the moment the Circle is one. One Master…me. And they know how poorly I would take them feeding on any that are taking this trip.”

Adalia nodded as she turned back, her spine tingling.

"Who is it?" Kyp asked, "I'm getting ....darkness...should we be ready?"

“That would be the Chiss friend my son mentioned.” Bernael replied. He pointed out a battered Onager. “He is no saint but is an honorable man and protects and cares for what he considers his. Which has expanded by a very large margin with this exodus. You will meet him soon.”

Both his and Kigrael’s heads tilted to the side, eyes slightly unfocused. Recovering, he nodded, then pointed to one of the larger structures. “We are headed there, the same structure the Eclipse and a few others will be docked to.” he told them, “My people will escort us through this chaos to it.”

Adalia was accustomed to the way Bernael worked, but never before had her children been nearby. “What happens to the kids, do they come?”

“Think of each structure as a massive ship. Each ship that docks becomes a component of it, still a separate entity but conjoined. Which means that there is a superstructure to the structure itself but…” The Fury, guided by the shadowy ships, maneuvered towards the one he had indicated. “That does not mean that your children need to leave the Fury unless you feel it is safe enough for them.”

“Safe but seriously bored, are you prepared for a pair of bored Force users on board when we’re not here to……control them?” Kyp asked casually.

Turning over control to the navigation AI, Bernael stood. Moving away from the command chair his silver eyes peered intently at Kyp, looking him up and down, his mind touching but not piercing Kyp’s mental defenses as he circled the man. “No…no mental or physical defects…” he muttered before turning to look at Adalia, “So is it old age that would have him ask such a nonsensical question?” Turning back to Kyp, “I know you can sense it, sense just how many Force users are around us. There will be much to keep them from growing bored.”

Adalia folded her arms, "be nice, I love him...." She raised an eyebrow, "and there is an element of curiosity on my part as how many human children have you raised?"

Shaking his head, walking over to stand beside one of the seats closer to the viewscreen, “Adalia, you know how old I am…there have been children of many species that have called this ship home over the eons. I am not a monster and I do not leave children to be orphans.” Turning his head to look at her in profile, “Two of which will be on the same structure as us, having waited decades to see their ‘Father’ again.”

She dropped her head, and gave it a shake, "wonderful." She muttered.

"Now should I be concerned?" Kyp asked, having given Bernael a look of disdain.

"No....just don't show your.....'feelings' toward our host." Adalia explained.

"Oh, this is going to be just wonderful."Kyp drawled sarcastically.

That brought a series of staccato laughs from Kigrael. It felt almost as though he was trying out how to laugh. “They are technically two of the hosts of this gathering. And not Anzati. They’re Nagai.” he said, once the laughter died down.

”And they’re probably slightly upset at me.” Bernael admitted. “In days past my children could reach me anywhere in the galaxy in moments. So…to have been cut off for decades…they’re going to have questions.”

Turning to her husband, "you're right, this is going to be wonderful." Adalia smirked, "do I leave them sleeping? Will the chef droid be content to deal with them?" She asked, turning back to Bernael.

There was a slight shudder as the Fury was captured by clamps on the structure and then a deeper shiver as the Eclipse did the same. “It will ensure they are cared for. And I’ve tied in the internal security to notify you immediately if they need you or anything.” His head tilted to the side again, one side of his lips turning up in a half smile. “It appears we have a greeting party.”

"I love surprises." Kyp muttered sarcastically.

"We both do." Adalia reassured him.

“In that case…” The engine noise of the Fury died down to the hum of simple activity, ready to be used if needed. He turned, Kigrael following, as they headed towards the main hatch. “Let’s see who is there.”

"As if you don't know." Adalia sighed.

The hatch itself began to ring as someone began to pound on it. Bernael’s silver eyes glinted as he approached it, “Don’t dent the Fury.” he called out to the person beyond it. Touching the stud by the hatch it rolled open revealing a furious looking female Nagai, fist raised as though she was going to pound again.

”Father!!!” [/COLOR]Remus yelled. “Where the…” Seeing the two humans, “Excuse me, Father has…” she shook her head, “Perhaps it would be better to take this to the conference room so Rom can get his own annoyance out.”

"It's ok, we can feel it......let it out." Adalia grinned, beside her Kyp smirked but said nothing as he too was well aware of the feelings being projected.

”So this is what happens when you coddle your offspring, is it Sire?” Kigrael asked, his tone giving away nothing about what he was thinking.

”Who the…ahhh now I see it.” Rem said, looking over at the younger Anzati. Turning, “Oh he’ll hear all about it. After all, why would the Ghost abandon his children and the galaxy for as long as he did?” she asked, guiding them from the hatch towards a turbolift.

Adalia pursed her lips and turned to Kyp, rolling her eyes, he in return just shot her a smirk.

The ride on the lift was quite a long one, as they traveled to a thicker section of the structure. “Not all of the others have arrived and the Chiss is taking his time to join us.“ Rem looked over at Adalia and Kyp once again. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the man before she smirked. “So, you have history with Father too…related to…” her eyes widened, flicking over at Adalia before she spun to look at Bernael once again. “All our lives and you never told Rom or me?!?”

Adalia sighed, "let it go.....I am not here to play favorites, and he' no real relationship with ....'your father' cause his relationship is with me."She tilted her head to the side and put her hands on her hips and a symbolic challenge.

Kyp shrugged on one side, "fair."

Turning back to face Adalia, Rem shook her head. “No, you don’t get…” before her mouth snapped shut. She spun, glaring at Bernael, her jaw moving as though to speak but her mouth wouldn’t open.

”No, Remus, that is not to be discussed.” Bernael said in a flat voice before he released the hold he had on her mouth.

”But…” Rem saw the look in Bernael’s eyes, “Fine…still doesn’t explain why you disappeared for as long as you did.”

Adalia was curious, but knew well enough not to ask right now, beside her she felt Kyp's slight interest but knew he'd never ask.

The turbolift came to a halt, the doors opening. Standing just outside them was another Nagai, a male who looked very similar to Remus. Seeing her rubbing her jaw his attention turned to Bernael, “I see you said something Father was not pleased by.” Romulus stated. “However,…Father…I am just as annoyed with you at your disappearance. It cost me…much.”

”Both of you…you know my life and that sometimes I must not be present to allow events to take their course.” Bernael stated calmly. “I accept your anger but we must unite for this voyage to be carried off without issue.”

A dark presence approached, opposite the room they were entering, “I see he’s arrived. Perhaps it would be better to speak about this at another time.”

Adalia shivered as her gaze returned to Kyp for his reaction and was astounded how he held his cool distant stance, but only she knew every hair on the back of his neck was standing up on end. She knew the darkside, but this was so controlled and new to her and she found herself edging toward her husband, linking her arm with his.

He turned to her, "I'm good for something then?"

"You're good for a lot of know it...shshsh." She whispered.

The door at the other end of the room opened, a tall, robed male Chiss entering through it. He walked towards them, the dark energy drawing closer as he did. Stopping on the opposite side of a large table that dominated the room he nodded to Bernael, red eyes focused on him. Eleodie and Decimus will be here shortly. But I did not expect to see you here, Ghost, when Remus gave Octus this location and the invitation.” He glanced at Adalia and Kyp, “I have no ill will toward either of you, you could ask that ancient one if you doubt me.”

Adalia waved her hand, "sure...whatever." Not wanting to get any more attention than they already had.

Kyp's gaze was leveled, "nor do we to this stage."

”Sabel…don’t tease them.”

The energy surrounding the Chiss slowly lightened until it was a steady grey. “I’ve just spent too long at Jakku, my sense of humor must have atrophied. But those two are definitely sensitive to the Dark. They may not be fans of my Red Guards.”

"Sensitive to a lot of friend." Kyp said evenly without breaking his gaze.

"Don't push." Adalia whispered.

The Chiss’s red eyes turned back to the pair of them, glowing for a few moments as he studied them. Without saying anything he turned back to Bernael, nodding fractionally. “I believe we are still waiting for several other representatives of those taking this journey.” he said, changing the subject. “Once they join us, we should be close to departure.”

Golden skinned Eleodie stepped into the room with zher hand in that of Decimus, the man attired as an Imperial Royal Guard. As everyone looked over, they broke their grasp; back to business, even though Decimus had his helmet under his arm. “Sorry we’re late,” zhe said, unabashed.

“We had to regroup after that. The Onager didn’t even have the energy to recycle water by the end of that siege.” Decimus deadpanned.

“So we’re on our way to…" Eloedie looked to them. "Peridea?"

"Another galaxy, apparently," Decimus said drily. "The selfsame one that Thrawn was apparently trapped, with an ancient hyperlane the only way there."

"One that the Nagai have re-plotted?" Eleodie glanced at Rem and Rom and smiled. "Have we missed anything?"

Looking around, Rem finally turned back to Eleodie with a twisted smile.“Only that Father finally decided to make an appearance. And more…a good portion of his people have chosen to join us.” she replied. A chime sounded, making her check a display. “It appears that all that are taking this journey have arrived and are almost in position.”

Sabel had moved to the viewscreen, watching the dance of ships as they docked with the massive structures. A flash caught his eyes, his lips twitching as he picked out a fighter dropping out of hyper just by the Liberty’s Misrule. A tractor beam caught it as it raced towards the SSD, drawing it into one hangar on the flank of the massive ship. Turning back, the corners of his lips had turned up, red eyes glowing as he walked back over to Eliodie. “It appears we have a guest on our ship. Someone to meet when we return to it.” he whispered to her.

”This construct has quarters for all here if you’d care to join us. Of course, we will not object if you prefer to remain on your own vessels but we should begin to acclimate to each other as we will only have each other to ensure we all survive when we arrive.” Rom stated calmly, with a glance at his Father and his companions. “I, for one, would like to learn more about the people who have managed to keep Father’s attention.”

Adalia and Kyp had remained silent, these new people unknown to them having been 'out of the galactic loop' for some time now. She knew Rom and Rem, but she'd not felt their ire like this before, it was intense. "Oh hi Rom....Rem...been a while...." She plastered on an overly exaggerated smile, "how ya been?"

Kyp raised an eyebrow as he turned to his wife, she knew at least two players here and once again he'd been caught off guard, leaving him to seriously wonder how much she had actually not told him now.

Sabel could tell the slight insincerity of the woman’s words, making him wonder at the relationship between her, Bernael, and the Nagai. For the moment he held his tongue, wanting to see how it played out.

An eyebrow arched even as a frown crossed Rom’s face. “It’s been decades, yes…” he muttered. “Seems as though you and…” he looked over at the Chiss and the pair with him, “dad…” Lifting a hand, he rubbed his chin in thought. “It seems dad did manage to keep in touch with someone in that time, so what makes you more special than his children in that regard?”

"It’s the love it." Adalia flicked her head so her slightly greying red hair bounced back. "What can I say?" Her tone dripped with sarcasm. "Seriously, you'd have to ask him.........I have no idea."

"I'd be interested in that answer as well." Kyp folded his arms and tilted his head to the side.

Sighing, pinching the bridge of his nose, Bernael took a deep breath. Letting his hand fall, his eyes narrowed slightly, peering deeply into both Rom and Rem’s eyes before turning his gaze to Adalia and Kyp. The intensity of his expression had softened when he did before it hardened again looking over at Sabel, Eliodie, and the guard. “I am quite certain that all four of you know exactly why.” he stated in a calm, even tone. Nodding at the others, “And…while I’m close to these others, sometimes things are better discussed in private.”

Sabel snorted, moving up beside Eliodie, “Tell me, daughter, does it seem like the ancient stoic has something for the redhead?” he whispered to her.

Kyp shrugged, "got a rough idea." Beside him Adalia simply sighed, she didn't need this garbage.

Eleodie glared at Sabel. "You have no subtlety."

Decimus didn't dare come between his lover and Lord, and appeared to ignore zher and him.

Zhe cleared zher throat. "So, we have our mother's ship, the Misrule, whatever ships Uncle Sabel has left, and... what else?" Zhe eyed the Nagai, pale white skin contrasting to zher golden. "Do we have any knowledge of the place we're heading to? Are we invading another galaxy?"

Decimus was well aware the hardware they were packing was enough to start a new life. Away from Palpatine's and Skywalker's. But where there were Jedi, there may be Sith.

Sabel let the glare wash over him without a care. He’d known the vampire for many years and it amused him to have found this tidbit out. “Didn’t seem an appropriate moment to be subtle. Besides, I didn’t voice it that loudly.” he whispered to her again.

Rem turned to face the person who had spoken up, still trying to figure out the hierarchy of that side. “The exact numbers of those accompanying us is…vast. Suffice it to say it encompasses a majority of what remains of the Nagai, some Mandalorians, your and Sabel’s people, some Slissi, a variety of those who had joined the Alliance a short while ago, and…” Her eyes flicked over to her Father.

”And a third of my own people.” Bernael added.

”Yes, you might say we are an entire civilization being transplanted. Also, yes, to a galaxy that is quite distant yet the guideways hint that they could tell more of the earliest history of the Knowns.”

"A third," ruminated Eleodie, with a shrug. "And the rest, we're just abandoning? To the First Order, and all of the terrible things in the rest of the Unknown Regions?"

Decimus cleared his throat. "Eleodie is concerned we'll find even more Unknown Terrors the further out we go."He was referencing the colloquial term for every threat in the Unknown Regions. The Ssi-Ruuvi, Grysk, Yevetha, the Keshiri Tribe, the Nagai, the Tofs, and so on. There were many in their own galaxy, let alone the two nearest satellite galaxies, and they were launching for even further out.

Adalia had folded her arms, stepped back and was content to be in the background of this 'heady' group.

For a while.

Then a few things occurred to her, "excuse me if I appear ignorant...but has anyone asked anyone ...over there? I mean what if we go there and find out that what we face there is worse than what we're running from here?" She asked.

Kyp turned and smiled faintly at her, pleased she'd asked the hard questions.

Bernael stood, with that statue straight lack of motion that well described when he could either be pondering or be on the edge of terrific violence. There was nothing to suggest that he was communicating with anyone, vocally, mentally, or even with body language. All those present who were Force users would have known. What was missed, however, was how Sabel’s eyes dimmed to a ruddy crimson and his head twisted back and forth in the most minute of a negative gesture.

In this frozen moment Kigrael spoke “You think bringing over two million of the beings most beings in the universe believe are the stuff of nightmares is too few? Or that leaving close to four million, who have chosen to remain, behind would mean their destruction?” he asked, a sardonic edge to his voice.

From seemingly empty air, coming from several paces away from the central table, a barking peal of laughter erupted. As a woman faded into view, her silver on black eyes appearing humored, “What if, what if, what if? What if the Force suddenly disappeared…what if everyone here dropped dead…what if….”The woman, the obviously Anzati woman, turned to Bernael, bowing.“I see here Force users of every stripe, species that know war, intrigue, and fighting as well as they know how to breathe.” she went on as she straightened.
”The Master of All Anzati, the one who rules all of us who have chosen this exodus, has seen things that would shatter most of your minds. And yet…” For a moment something akin to pride and awe filled her expression, a fleeting moment,
“He cares for all present, you, your peoples, your families. So much so that all of us, all our fractiously independent people, who know him knew why he chose to accompany you lot. Because he wouldn’t leave you defenseless in the space in the maps that say ‘Here be monsters?’.” Shaking her head with a snort she walked over to within a pace of Bernael, behind and to his side, the opposite side from Adalia and Kyp. “What if…” she muttered as she came to a halt.
Adalia was no fool and knew this woman who appeared from nowhere, was of Bernael's kind, and her utter disrespect only annoyed her further. "Humble apologies for coming into this mess late, not knowing anything having been kept pretty much in the dark while having to drag my husband and children with me.....and asking what you clearly consider to be stupid questions, more apologies for not having hundreds, if not more, years of knowledge and experience...... and you are?" She responded and asked with sarcasm, her flashing blazing vibrant green eyes sensing this attack was more personal than it probably should be from this woman.

Kyp blew out a sound of disbelief as he turned away briefly, "Does everyone have to rile her?" He muttered under his breath.

The amused look returned to the woman’s eyes. “Oh…did I not say?” she asked, cooly. “I am known as Susurri. You could call me the Shadow Hand of the Master of All Anzati. His will is mine to enforce, to guide our people.”

Kigrael glanced at her, shaking his head, “You always did have a flair for the dramatic. You also forget that these beings do not have our advantage, they need to understand this more.”

A deep, tonal chime rang, Kigrael glancing towards the viewscreen at the sound. “I’d recommend bracing yourselves. What I pick up from the minds of the engineers says this could be a heavy surge.” he warned before he sank his talons into the edge of the table before him, leaning towards the viewport.

Kyp slipped his arm around Adalia's waist and moved to back up to the bulkhead, bracing his right foot just in front of hers. "Hold on."

"I'm good, you're doing it for me." She said softly, smiling as this was what this female 'Susurri' was missing.

The hyperdrives surged indeed, buffeting the entire ship and fleet.

It was a powerful jump, using technology that had made inter-galactic travel possible years ago - the adventures of Ahsoka and the Nightsisters and Thrawn had been fairly classified until the Yuuzhan Vong War made inter-galactic Unknown Terrors a possibility, though plenty had disputed the fact when the Nagai and Tof last invaded.

Nonetheless, the engines of Morgan Elsbeth were being put to use again.

But still, it was expected it would take days to cross to Peridea.

Eleodie stretched. "Well, we will leave you to it. When we arrive, we shall be on-guard, and make sure we don't find new enemies. Red alert and all of that."

Decimus nodded, deadpan. Eleodie turned to go and looked over. He shook his head. "I will stay, for the moment, I have a question left."

Shrugging, zhe left, and Decimus looked back.

"Zhe isn't wrong. This is a massive commitment and we're going into the dark. Nightsister dark, I gather. I'm concerned that we may end up gathering up our resources and jumping again. Can we manage another inter-galactic jump if need be?"

Sabel frowned for a moment, “Decimus has a point. We are trusting your tech, for this journey and perhaps more.”

Susurri had just recovered from her bracing for the jump when Eleodie departed. She was slightly disturbed that it had affected her so, especially as only the Chiss had seemed as unaffected by it as Bernael had been. Glancing at Bernael, she began to speak, “Considering our hosts received copies of all the data that the witch used to create her vessel…”

Rem snorted, “Impractical thing it was too. Too much wasted power and energy. When our cradles were constructed, we improved the designs, used Nagai tech and engines to create them. Hers survived traveling there and back, ours should be useful for multiple journeys, if we need them to.”She looked over at the guard, “We’re also prepared to respond to anything hostile that we come across, at a moment’s notice.”

Both Kyp and Adalia remained silent, with was all new news to them and the only way to learn was to listen, so that is what they were doing.

Decimus wasn't convinced this wasn't all bluster. "Well, it will take us, what, more than a few hours to cross the Intergalactic Void?"

He looked around. "If I am to continue in my role as second-in-command, Lord Sabel, I look forward to a full breakdown of what we have with us. We're going to need to repair the Onager, too."

A wry smile crossed Rom’s face, “Repairs, to all craft that need it, will have to wait until we arrive. I can say, though, that between the Slissi and others that have joined us, once we do arrive repairs should be affected swiftly.”

”A full roster, as full as possible for the amount of beings in this exodus, will be provided to each of you.” Rem stated calmly. “There are, after all, close to fifty million beings traveling with us.”

Sabel’s eyes lit up, the red of them bright now. “An entire civilization is what you intend this to be?” he asked, lips twitching in an almost smile. “And who will lead it, the vampire?”

Decimus looked to the Jedi. "I assumed Masters Durron would."

"WHAT!?!" Adalia spat.

"I doubt either of us is qualified for that, with due respect." Kyp said more calmly than he actually felt.

"Not our circus......not our lizard monkeys!!!" Adalia added.

"She's right, we do not have the knowledge nor the ability to run this......circus."

Decimus affected confusion. "So instead, you intend to be... Grandmasters, yes? Of the Jedi Order you will found in the Peridea Galaxy?"

Adalia was speechless, her eyes flicking wildly around the room, no mean feat to be honest and Kyp was well aware of that. "I don't like having such a title forced upon myself, or my wife, who for the record, is not a Jedi at all. In fact some of her decisions go against everything I if that was posed as a question to consider, I will consider it....but to tell answer will be no."

Decimus paused. "Ah. So, we shall instead have a Dark Lord of the Sith?" His eyes cut across the gathering. "Are we to be a new Sith Empire?"

"Do we need either title?" Adalia asked, "are there like ..........younglings out there who need to make a choice?"

"No....we were not to be a Sith Empire, if that were the case, we'd not be here and would take our home." Kyp shifted his weight, "are you telling me the Sith cannot control their urges to commit violence and will in fact.....take over?" His voice was a little more intimidating.

Decimus shrugged. "The Sith in this room? Perhaps not. The Sith in the future? Who knows. Do you propose to set up a unique Force using sect? An amalgamation of both? Or are we just going to hope for the best?"

"To be honest, it wasn't even on my radar but I do agree something more......neutral might be in order....and that's not me.....that's her." Kyp pointed to Adalia, who was shaking her head.

"No no no...I ain't not leader."

Clearing his throat, "you're not,...retired Colonel?" Kyp asked.

"I hate you." She growled.

"No you don't." He smiled, "I would be happy to be your advisor."

Adalia simply glared at him.

Bernael had stood there, while the debate was ongoing, between the Guard, Kyp, and Adalia. The corners of his lips were turned up in a fractional smile. Glancing over at Sabel, he shook his head as the smile grew a tiny bit more.

”If this is the path desired…I have a suggestion.”

Beside him Susurri shifted, wondering if he was going to suggest himself, a decision she personally believed was the wisest course of action.

”Perhaps, a leader, Adalia if that is the consensus, should have those who aid her.” Bernael glanced between Sabel and Kyp a couple times, “And what would be better than one who serves the Light and one who serves the Dark?”

Sabel let out a snort of laughter, raising one hand. “I do not intend that as any negative reaction to your proposal, old friend. But I believe…you are suggesting two who have seen those sides of the Force but tend to sit more…” his hand turned palm up, his other hand rising to join it, both going up and down in opposite rhythm, “...between those two sides.”

His point made - or mischief made, perhaps - Decimus bowed to Lord Sabel and departed.

Leaving them to it.

Adalia sighed, giving her head a shake as she spoke softly to her husband, "you were pissed they nominated you without consult.....yet you just threw me under a speeder...." Her head turned to him to glare.

With a forced smile, Kyp looked away and gave a nod, "well, I do believe I have just harpooned my own private life for the foreseeable future, I'm ready to get to work. If you wish us to work together, I think I can do that. I have seen the dark and have no desire to go there again."

Pulling out one of the seats at the table, Sabel sat with an amused look. There had been some discussion of who was to lead these people, at least that was what Octus had reported to him. But, watching this couple and their discussion about how this would proceed was filling him with a sense of glee. To him, the Jedi had always been a bit…stuffy, so watching them in a more relaxed atmosphere was interesting.

Susurri was scowling now, to her this was not amusing at all. She was certain they were choosing the wrong being to lead whatever this group was going to be called. But, if he was going to play this game then she would have to do the same and find a way to rectify the situation so it turned out how she believed was the correct course.

”So, is it decided then, that Adalia will be the leader of this new society?” Bernael asked.

”Something tells me you have less doubts about that than your tone implies, Father.” Rem replied with an arched eyebrow.

"I have doubts, does that count?" Adalia asked, her tone dripping in sarcasm.

Rem’s eyes glittered as a thin-lipped smile crossed her face. “You’ll be fine, you’ve got Dad after all. Don’t you?”

Sabel, for his part, was sitting back, a miniscule smile on his face, as he watched what he was seeing as a family drama play out before him, but one with stakes that was the survival of this exodus.

Adalia turned to face Rem, "what is it with you? Is this a sibling rivalry thing? Seriously, not siblings....or did you not notice that? I do not have your 'dad' for the record, last I checked he was his own law unto himself." She shook her head, "I knew this was a disastrous look." She turned to glare at her husband, "I have this wonderful advisor.........who will forever be gracing the lounge for this one."

"Well aware, bigger things at stake right now.......I'm seeing the bigger picture, try to do the same love." Kyp said calmly.

Giving a gentle cough to draw attention, “I believe you have two advisors, Lady Jedi.” Sabel said in a calm tone, “So that one of us always is the devil’s advocate to whatever decision you need made.”

Susurri had a small smile on her face, watching the Nagai, believing they were digging a hole for themselves with their Father as was the woman who was all but rejecting the Master. She stayed quiet, her lot was thrown in with his and his decisions would dictate how or where their people went, regardless of how the others decided.
”We could go in circles for hours. Hours we do have as this trip will be several days, but better we decide this as soon as possible so that things can begin to be settled by the time we arrive. Adalia is correct that I would not want to be the throne here, regardless of what else she meant, and I offered the most…balanced solution. So, is this how we are going to proceed?”

"Of course." Kyp said with a sage nod.

"Right."Adalia decided to shut up now, she could read the expressions around the room and her unique brand of stubbornness and determination was not welcome right now.

Sabel’s pad vibrated in his pocket causing him to pull it out. One eyebrow arched and an almost amused expression crossed his face before he returned it to his pocket, after reading the message. “Good, so if we’ve decided then I do have business to attend to on my ship.” he said as he stood. With a small bow, he headed toward the hatch that led to the Misrule.

Susurri likewise bowed to Bernael, “I will inform our people, Master, and will be waiting for your command.” she stated before disappearing from sight once more.

Shaking his head, “This is going to be…interesting.” Bernael muttered. Glancing at Rem and Rom, “I think, perhaps, it would be best that I take Adalia and Kyp back to the Fury. If there is anything that needs to be decided then we can be found there.”

Rom nodded, “Of course the suites here might be better and it might also be better to have the command team in one area…” he suggested.

Adalia turned to the twins, "with all due respect, our children are on the Fury, and we will be with them for now. Our entire lives have been upended and they need us and they need to be away from ......all this......for now."

Both nodded at that, “We understand, ma’am.” Rem replied for them both. What went unsaid was that they both knew that meant their Father would remain on the Fury as well, not stay on the construct. Which caused them to wonder, even more, what hold the woman had over him.

Parsecs away

A signal went out, broadcast across the Eternal Fleet. The Eternal Throne reverberated with it but without speakers to broadcast the message from the Throne it meant that someone had to be near or in communication with the Gemini droids to know what it said. The message repeated, almost a chant, a celebration, a crowing victorious sound. There are now only seven bloodlines to activate the Eternal Throne. One bloodline has…vanished from the galaxies, unable to access them.

TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @Mitth_Fisto, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @adaml83

Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.