New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 09/25/1981 (2024)

New Jersey likely with downturns and a good man to have a good evening in the news tonight a hotly contested Ocean County election issue has a new element charges that someone involved is a Nazi war criminal. It's the Giants versus Dallas Sunday Bill Curry has an interview tonight with Gary sure. In sports and in our weekly review of the governor's race we'll take a look at sentiment voting officials in Stratford township Ocean County are claiming they have discovered a Nazi war criminal living in their town and the suspected criminal is leading a charge of government petition drive against officials. Dan Hodson reports that the allegations may be more a political move than anything else. I've been a retired lawyer and CBS network executive immigrated to the United States from Bulgaria in 1964. He and the other petitioners in an effort to change the form of government in Stafford Township held a news conference on that issue today. How much power is the township public safety commissioner. He decided to do a background check on a few months ago when the petition drive got underway after making some calls to verify just legal credentials both in the United States and in Europe. Powers claims he received a call from the Justice Department.

They had some questions for him and he said to me Well how did you find out that we were. Investigating Mr Dubcek for two or three years now for Nazi war crimes. And I said I didn't know that he was doing that. You never mentioned any kind of evidence that they may have found he said at the time. You know that had very little evidence. New Jersey Nightly News contacted the Justice Department today but as is their policy they refused to confirm or deny that investigation is underway. Jeff admits he was mayor of the Bulgarian city of Seoul Easter during World War Two powers and Mayor Wesley Bell say that's practically conclusive proof that Jeff was a Nazi in this document and in the papers and the books. Cyclopedia is that nobody was appointed or took over us I mean here under the Nazi government in Nazi countries unless they cooperated and worked with the Nazi regime. The township committee decided the public needed to know what they knew and so brought up the matter at last night's

township meeting. Jeff responded today calling it an act of political desperation instead. Oh really good young discussion on the merits of the question. The member for the libel and slander is a defense for their stranglehold on the community. Don't you have also says he spent 15 years as chairman of the captive nations organisation it worked to help Russian Jews gain freedom and said his position as mayor during the war did not mean he ever worked with or for the Nazis. So the change of government issue has been bitterly fought all along even violently at times. The petitioners say the mayor is like a dictator in the way he runs a town mayor says the petitioners are extremists. Even though there is no solid evidence a digest is a Nazi war criminal. The mere implication may be the deciding factor if the vote on the change of government issue is at all close. I'm down outside. 36 year old James Briggs has died of injuries he suffered yesterday in that explosion at 100 in county

paint plat Portmore a man who was one of three workers at the U.S. Brown's power plant on Route 2 0 2 outside Flemington critically injured in the blast. Briggs died before dawn this morning in St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston his entire body had been burned still listed in critical condition or 57 year old year old although I was of Baptist town and Donald Layton of Lambertville no age given for him. Briggs was inside the rear of the plant helping a load of aluminum powder from a tanker truck when something ignited the powder. Two of his brothers had to pull him out of the fire that followed the explosion. Federal officials toured the Lone Pine landfill in Freehold township today. Crews from the Environmental Protection Agency were digging there for the third day in a search officials fear may turn up thousands of barrels filled with toxic waste Trad. barrels have been found so far and the contents have been sent to a laboratory in Denver for analysis. EPA officials are worried that toxic chemicals from the barrels may have seeped into the local groundwater supply. The projected cost for the cleanup of the Long Pond landfill run as

high as 10 million dollars Don. The last of the cleanup money for the chemical control corporation and Elizabeth is on its way now yesterday the State Department of Environmental Protection came up with six hundred fifty thousand dollars to be used for the removal of two hundred cylinders of gas that were buried on the site since the spectacular explosion of the toxic waste dump in April of 1900 twenty five million dollars has been spent cleaning up and disposing of the more than 50000 barrels of toxic chemicals. A mass migration from Cuba to the United States may be over but Cuban refugees are continuing to make their way to Hudson County. And this time they're coming from the island from other U.S. cities. SANDRA KING reports. Last year's Cuban boat lift brought more than 8000 refugees to North Hudson. They came to West New York and Union City drawn by a thriving Cuban community established more than 20 years before. But the migration was not to end with the floating flotilla. Experts say the number of new arrivals has more than doubled since the spring and summer of 1980. And this time what they're fleeing is not the oppression of

Castro's Cuba. Refugees like these arrive daily in their second third or even fourth of us stop. Their testament to a resettlement program that at least in part has not worked. They find their way here from places like Kansas Texas New Mexico Georgia places that make an avenue feel like home. Down there the housing was terrible in those places and they preferred to hear a group in this place without and without housing. And for some the move feels right. First settled in Atlanta where he parked cars. But here he's found work selling cars. It means more money less isolation. It was so hard. I debated but everything came out fine my wife was working in a factory. My kid is going to school. He's in the third grade. The riff was played in Atlanta

and I feel very good. But Solis was well-educated and bilingual. It's a different story. He and his family had been placed in Wichita but they stayed there just long enough to find the means to come here. Now he his wife her mother and six children are on welfare. They're crowded into three small rooms in Union City but they say Kansas was too cold. But no one spoke their language or understood their problems here there is hope familiarity and people like them who came with nothing. And found the good life. In Union City. I'm Sandra here. The Hudson County Board of freeholders voted unanimously last night to reject a plan to place a proposed trailer camp jail on Duncan Avenue in Jersey City. The plan as we reported last night met with strong opposition from local residents. The idea is to relieve overcrowding in the Hudson County Jail. The freehold is planned to meet next month to consider other sites. Newark Mayor Ken Gibson would not comment today on the

indictment of his aide and school board president Carl Sharif. The 12 count indictment returned yesterday stems from two incidents this summer one where Sharif and members of his family allegedly assaulted a New York man the other in which authorities charge Sharif fired a pistol at another New York resident until he sees a copy of the indictment Gibson said he would have nothing to say on the matter. Three of Sharif sons his brother and another man were also named in the indictments. Under state guidelines Sharif will not have to step down from other post unless he is convicted. The executive assistant of the State Department of Environmental Protection George Hyatt or remains in the intensive care unit of Good Samaritan Hospital in sephora New York tonight. His condition is listed as fair after a car accident that killed a top official of the department. Thirty four year old Tyler was driving a car in Rockland County New York when it crashed into a bridge abutment on Route 17 yesterday killing 32 year old JOHN HAIG. But they say they're continuing to investigate that accident.

Governor Vern today said that President Reagan's second round of proposed budget cuts could mean a loss of four hundred million dollars to New Jersey in the first in the fiscal year which begins on Thursday. Burton said that would bring the total federal aid cutbacks in the state to 1.2 billion dollars. The governor said the figure does not include possible cuts in entitlement programs from welfare to Medicaid. Also state transportation officials warn that the latest cuts could result in yet higher rail and bus fares in 1900 to non state transportation officials today started selling a new monthly bus card at public outlets the card which can be used after Thursday cost $22. It can be used for unlimited single zone rides a New Jersey transit buses and 16 other bus companies 70 percent of riders use the bus within a single fare zone according to state officials. They expect the card will speed up service and thus attract more riders. And now for a look at the weekend weather forecast tonight will be mostly cloudy and cool with temperatures in the upper 40s to low 50s. Cloudy again tomorrow with a chance of a few sprinkles high in the upper 60s to low 70s. And the outlook for Sunday partly sunny skies and warm

temperatures. A side show to the gubernatorial election seems to become an issue in the race this week. The Republican state committee helped launch a ballot security operation with help from the GOP national committee they hope to purge the voting rolls of phantom voters. Republicans say those phantom voters tend to materialize as Democrats come election time. We have reports from both sides starting with Jim McQueen.

The GOP targets of the heavily Democratic inner cities of Trenton Newark Camden Atlantic City Jersey City and East Orange Millman are delivering Republican campaign letters to 200000 residents in those areas. The GOP hopes 40000 letters one in five will come back stamped undeliverable suggesting those voters have moved. But are there ballots still being cast on Election Day. People come and go from neighborhoods like this mostly go after they leave somebody keeps voting for them. According to the Republicans. And they're voting Democratic. The Democrats have a reaction to all this. Steve Taylor has that report. Yesterday afternoon Democratic state chairman Jim Maloney said the Republicans ballot security operation was nothing but discrimination against blacks and Hispanics who live in the inner city. But last night when Democratic candidate Jim Florio arrived at a fundraiser in Edison He didn't say discrimination and he didn't mention minorities. But he was critical of the

Republican plan. I really think it is to intimidate and harass people not to vote. And the effect of it may very well be to discourage people from participating in the election process. And anyone that's afraid of people participating in the election process maybe has something reason to be afraid. John the Queenie and Steve Taylor here in the studio with me now and Steve I take it for I mean the Republicans are afraid that vote will go Democratic in those parts of the city it usually does but the Democrats are also behind this they're saying that this this ballot security operation Jemma basically a public relations move just a publicity move. But also in addition to that the Republicans have more motives than that. They're looking ahead beyond the gubernatorial race they'd love to have Tom came governor. But they're looking behind this they want the legislative victories here because this legislature will draw the congressional redistricting lines for next year. And right now it's eight to seven Democrats but we're going to lose a seat next year. They have to redistrict everybody in the Reagan administration is

looking upon this as a chance to regroup and get a chance to get control of the house some way with the Democrats hold a slim majority in the house now of course to have the majority in the Senate for the first time. How does mail going out to these inner city areas to help them gain control of the legislature. Well there's about security things that they're trying to do is to try to prevent these. These voters for phony voters from going to having people vote for them. To what degree that goes on by the way has to be said that it's never really been proven through indictments to any great degree or anything like that but political know people in the know say it does happen and they want to make sure that it doesn't happen in such a close election that this is starting to appear it will be. Maybe I'm missing something but how would this be any sort of a public relations coup for the public. Well they're sending out these letters. This is the Democrat's reasoning about the Republicans sent out the letters and say they get 20000 of them back. They don't have to wait until election day to challenge these things they can immediately in a week or so hold up the letters and say aha here 20000 votes that would have been stolen except we were vigilant

when in fact most quite many of those people maybe all of them could have just been people happen to move is not necessarily so. Is this something we saw more when the political machines were more effective than we're seeing today. The Hudson County machine in the early part of the century they used to get hold Brock's marshalled out in the graveyards voting to the ultimate convenience you mention in your report the Jim Florio was at a fundraiser last night doesn't have enough money from the state matching funds and the like. Yes he has enough to qualify for that this was a fundraiser actually for Congressman Robert Rowe who was defeated by Florio in the primary and Rowe came out with a substantial campaign debt of one hundred seventy thousand dollars at the beginning of the session last night so a lot of the people came in and he was one hundred fifty dollars a plate. They came in Florio made a speech and it was a new speech it was not the same time Cain tax plan anti Reaganomics point that he's been making mostly it was against Cain as a flip flopper he called him the ultimate flip flopper at one point he took the three points where he said time's been inconsistent the death

penalty and mandatory sentencing and the sales tax votes from his years in the legislature. Well that's a sure sign the race is really getting hot once they start going through each other's records and flip flops because anyone who's been in politics for a long enough time is going to have those Florio himself in the Assembly voted for an extension of the Driscoll expressway an extension of the turnpike spur many years ago into the Pinelands area now. The environmentalists were upset with it at that time and in the meantime his record in Congress. He's on record as being very pro parlance preservation. So what do you say. Is he the guy that voted for the Driscoll expressway or is he the guy that voted in Congress for the pro-environmental of your argument the farther back you go on the right. Everybody's got these clips I want to make another point about the speech this is not the place the basic speech is as you know Don the candidates have a speech that they make in most occasions they think they move it around and tailor it for the audience. First people say that this flip flop. Theme will be one that he was basically preaching to the choir when he has an audience that is

disposed toward hearing it and interestingly the reason he started doing it is because they have presented information that shows that Cain is weak on this information in this issue the issue of flip flop so they say. You mean in defending himself with his own record. Now they just when they add that one of the poll questions would be what is one area where you think Tom Kane I suppose is vulnerable or something like that at least it shows that he has well in consistency and position despite there are in addition to the closed audience he had last night and in one respect they were Democrats. You think he tempered his comments or change them at all because he knew President Reagan was speaking in just about the same time he wasn't sure the president was going to say. Possibly although I don't think there was anything in the president's speech which surprised four or anybody else in that line for for that matter it was. Some of the specifics that he was my cup and I don't think anybody thought he was really going to do much with Social Security because he would be able to get it through Congress. You may want to hold back just so that he would have to compete with a contradictory headline on the front page this morning or on this news program. We saw one of the quotes from President Reagan our feet were not set in concrete on the Social Security cuts he backed off of those is going to help

Tom Kaine or Jim Florio. Well you know already starting to set himself slightly apart from Reagan I mean they don't he wants to ride Reagan's coattails at the moment of victory if he can but he set himself apart from Social Security makes known to everybody that Tom Cain does that his father the congressman was known as Mr. Social Security in Congress and also setting him apart interestingly from the tuition cuts that the president's been proposing. So he's taking a different stand there. Every move he makes of course Tom Kean makes sure the president makes to back off or to modify their position. Jim Florio will tend to capitalize on saying See even they don't believe this is going to work. And players taking great comfort from the fact the Wall Street Journal seems to be reading some of his press releases like that. Well I'll tell you one quick thing. You're going to see. Never mind the particulars of a position where they're going to tax us and stuff but we're part of the stick to the basic thing even to see billboards as there was on Route 1 the other day I was coming down a guy running for the legislature that said George. And that's exactly going to is not going to oppose what it would said job growth.

OK we're going to Time to check out those billboards and read one thanks a lot. And Bill Perry back with sports right after this. I. Love the sports Thank You can't enjoy the rights of the Giants by the way. When I got out of coaching truism of playing them one at a time cannot be argued with you have to believe the 21 Giants are about to play us the proverbial

big one on Sunday at Dallas with Green Bay St. Louis and Seattle next on the schedule the possibilities are delicious. If they gift if the Giants can beat the Cowboys now tied in Gary sure it was outstanding in the win over New Orleans 6:40 11 catches for number 87 and when the Giants drafted tight end Dave Young on the second round out of two do many figured shook steadies as a giant when numbered but Young got hurt so I yeah sure could. John had not broken a hand does he think he would have remained a giant. Personally I do. I know there's a lot of people on that rig a lot a lot of things in a paper that said I want to be here. It's always a dog fight. I didn't expect it to be easy. People say well you know Dave Young got hurt now he's got to be here. I don't look at it that way. I feel like I had a good pre-season I came on strong again which is supposed to help I'm consistent and I'm just happy I got to offer the opportunity to do what I can do a lot of people use the term overachiever when describing

Gary shirk you by that description. How many times in the NFL 6 1 to 20 catches. You know I've got a word for everything I do. Nothing comes easy. So yeah I would say I'm an overachiever and this will be aware of the pattern that you ran against new offerings that got your wide open. You fight against them many times in your NFL career and the last two two weeks two victories but rushing to new ones or not Dallas definitely Dallas Dallas plays a different defense I don't think we've hit short passes in Dallas since I played or I'm just going to do what I can do and. Hope it's good. I think the Giants are good enough to play Dallas stuff but still Dallas is my pick 20 to 13. The Cosmos meet Chicago tomorrow night in Toronto and you want Toronto just a great place for the NASL Championship Game Chicago beat the cosmos in the club's two meetings this year in Atlantic City tomorrow afternoon Matthew Syed Mohamed defends his WBC

light heavyweight title against Jerry Martin Saad took apart Mary Sutherland in his last offense back in April and in that fight which ended in the seventh round sod suffered a badly cut lip and he's been idle since this will be Matthew's eighth title defense overall he has a record of thirty three and to what Matthew said Muhammad is looking for is a unification fight in the right heavyweight ranks Michael Spinks is the WBA champ and a spinning side Muhammad fight would be a natural first of course. Satis to get past MARTIN Now Martin is twenty two into one of his losses came last July 10th round to any Mustafa Mohammad then the WBA champ since then Spinks has taken the title from new stuff and now you see how confusing it all is WBC WBA Saad Martin was Staffa spanks. That's why a unification fight is hoped for so we've got Giants Dallas Super Soccer Ball 81 Giants Super Bowl see what's going on here. Soccer barely read a title right. It's going to be a big sports weekend and baseball today who cares what they do. Phillies beat the Cubs have a good weekend. Thank you.

Your jersey is home for 12 professional theatres and many of them are opening their new season this month. Crossroads Theater in New Brunswick offers a worthwhile production. One of the many things happening this weekend. This is a rehearsal of last season's Medal of Honor rag the true story of a black Vietnam War veteran awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Lyndon Johnson. Jackson. Was just another invisible big outstanding. Now on this season the company opens with no place to be somebody. Charles Pulitzer Prize winning play artistic director Lee Richardson seen here portraying a Vietnam as that part of Johnny Williams in the current production Crossroads is the state's only black company and is recognized for running little known but extremely well written Black plays curtain goes up on Saturday at 8 p.m. on Sunday at 3 and at 7:40

village in Millville is the backdrop for a huge fine arts and crafts show this weekend. People from the area have been invited to display and sell their products as well as demonstrate their crafts. In addition to the festival there will be regular village attractions as well glassblowing. We are having some technical difficulty with that story but let me continue to fill you in on some of the events that might interest you that are going on world renowned dancer and perform at Montclair State College on Saturday and Sunday the Garden State Theatre Organ Society presents the first in a series of concerts on Sunday. War Memorial Auditorium and rock n roll. Little Anthony will perform at Plainfield on Saturday as part of black culture day. There was a very special afternoon given by the staff of children's hospital for one of their favorite former patients. Explain.

For most children that in itself is a major event. But it's even more special if it's your first birthday outside of a hospital. This afternoon Ariel was back at the hospital. This time though as guest of honor not as a patient many staff members including doctors nurses and maintenance workers came to help celebrate. Ariel suffers from a rare and often fatal congenital disease affecting the intestines for nearly all of his short life he's been hooked to intravenous machines unable to digest solid food. Now he can eat just about anything. And his doctors are hopeful Aereo will never have to spend another birthday in a hospital bed. I took a stand operation from the time I saw it until now. And yet they were

the chance of success was I was. Was. Was. I knew it was the excitement of the moment. Ariel is used to solid food yet because he didn't seem very interested in eating his birthday cake. He especially liked the homemade birthday card from the staff. Employees didn't buy many more toys because they'd given him so many while he was here as a patient. The party was a big success and the birthday boy didn't have any complaints especially about his health. How do you feel. Right. At Children's Hospital in New Jersey in Newark. Now we're all off our own happy birthday to a real nice story. Great thanks a lot Bill. That's news for Bill Perry can't Monahan Jimmy Queenie and Steve Tanner on down times tonight from all of us here at New Jersey I think. New Jersey likely knew it was a joint presentation. I'll bet you Jersey network and

13. Portions were good.

New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 09/25/1981 (2024)


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