Gluten-Free Flour Recipe {3 Options} – Gluten-Free Palate (2024)

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  1. Marnie

    Hi there,

    New to this gluten free situation.. doing a detox and the price of gluten free bread is outrageous. I like bread, but I refuse to pay $7-$9 for a loaf that amounts to 3 or 4 little sandwiches. I haven't tried any yet, I just found the site this morning. Thank you for your time, and your site. scrolling down the tips was interesting and educational. Still overwhelming... looking for a bread that makes good toast..


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Marnie,

      It can be overwhelming, but we are happy to help. In a few months it will all fall into place, and you will learn the ins and outs. I would suggest starting with this bread recipe


    • Peggy Chen Dy

      Hi Wendy, I tried the flour blend 1, making a loaf, and there's a huge hole in the center. This is my 2nd bake, although it tastes good. But just wondering what I did wrong..?


      • Wendy Stoltz

        Hi Peggy,

        I would suggest you use blend 2. The combination of flours gives the bread its structure. The other blend is more for quick breads, cakes, donuts, and cookies.

        I hope this helps.


        • Lydia

          Please send your gluten free flour recipe


          • Wendy Stoltz

            Hi Lydia,

            We had a technical problem, you should be able to view the recipe now.

            Thanks for commenting.

  2. Mary Bennett

    What can I substitute potato starch with?


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Mary,

      Can you let me know what you are trying to make, so I can advise you better?


      • Madhumitha Venkataraman

        What can we substitute potato starch with for making birthday cakes.


        • Wendy Stoltz

          Hi Madhumitha,

          Potato starch is commonly used in gluten-free baking to help give structure and texture to cakes. However, if you don't have potato starch or are looking for a substitute, there are several other gluten-free starches that can be used instead:

          Cornstarch - Cornstarch is a fine powder that is commonly used as a thickener in sauces and gravies. It is a good substitute for potato starch in cakes, as it has similar binding properties.

          Arrowroot starch - Arrowroot starch is a fine white powder that is commonly used in gluten-free baking. It is a good substitute for potato starch as it is also a natural thickener and can help give cakes a light and fluffy texture.

          Tapioca starch - Tapioca starch is a fine white powder that is extracted from the cassava root. It is commonly used in gluten-free baking as a thickener and to help give structure to cakes. It can be a good substitute for potato starch in cakes.

          Rice flour - Rice flour is a fine, powdery flour that is made from ground rice. It is a good substitute for potato starch in cakes as it can help give structure and texture to cakes. However, it is important to note that rice flour can be a bit gritty, so it may not give cakes as smooth a texture as potato starch.

          All of these substitutes can work well in gluten-free cakes, but the amount needed may vary depending on the recipe. It is best to start with a small amount and gradually increase until you achieve the desired texture.


          • Heather

            Hey! I used the gluten free flour mix #2 for a bread recipe and it came out very rubbery. I've made the bread recipe before with Krusteaz flour and it worked well. Do you have any idea why this might have happened with the flour blend? I added the 4 tsp xanthan gum, do you think it was too much for a sandwich bread recipe?

          • Wendy Stoltz

            Hi Heather,

            Did you use one of our bread recipes? If so please mention which one so we can further assist you. But using too much xanthan gum can indeed result in a gummy or rubbery texture. For a sandwich bread recipe, 4 teaspoons of xanthan gum might be excessive, depending on the other ingredients in the mix.

    • Tia

      Any other starch (tapioca, arrowroot, corn, wheat, etc.)


      • Wendy Stoltz

        Hi Tia,

        Take a look at this post


    • Kathryn

      Instant mash potatoes frequently works well.


  3. Micah


    What can I substitute for rice flour, my mom can’t eat rice due to gluten sensitivities.


    • Ty

      Why is the xanthan gum in the first recipe OPTIONAL? I only ask because I know it give structure for most gluten free options but it can also make things gummy. Is this optional because the flour blend itself has structure as is and it’s not really necessary to stabilize it or for some other reason? I’m trying to make this cake recipe but wasn’t sure if you used the flour blend with or without it since it’s says optional.


      • Wendy Stoltz

        Hi Ty,

        It is optional as it depends on what you are making. Some of the ingredients in the recipe may act as a binder.


  4. September

    Do you happen to know any gluten-free flour blend that doesn't use rice flour or potato starch? I have this one specific recipe that I need an all-purpose flour for, but need to stay away from these two ingredients. Really appreciate your help. Thanks!


    • September

      Forgot to mention that it is for a cupcake recipe that doesn't use sugar. I know there are several recipes out there, but mine is particularly special to me. Thanks!


      • Wendy Stoltz

        Hi September.

        I, unfortunately, don't have a blend without those. You would need to experiment. You can use arrowroot. For the rice flour maybe a combination of white sorghum flour
        and millet flour would work.


        • Carol

          Hi there,
          I have been wondering, is there a substitute that can be used for the potato starch? Potato starch I know adds a nice pliable texture, however, I’m not supposed to be eating any of the nightshades relating to potatoes. They make me ache all over.thanks, Carol


          • Wendy Stoltz

            Hi Carol,

            I don't have anything that we have experimented with. If you look at Janine's comment you can start there.

      • Janine

        You might try using almond flour- I’ve made cupcakes with that and they were wonderful. I don’t remember the sugar part but probably had either honey or maple syrup as a sweetener. Good luck!


    • Janine

      Hi September, this is maybe too late but… I have the same issue- it’s very difficult to come up with a blend that’s rice and potato free. I’ve been Experimenting lately. I’ve found a combo that isn’t too bad for bread- I’ve been trying to make one up for cookies/cake/muffins etc I’ve only made cookies with it and didn’t like the texture at all but I’m not sure if it’s the blend or the recipe. So I need to make more with it and I’m waiting on more sorghum flour. The blend consists of sorghum, millet, tapioca and arrowroot flours. If you’re interested in the ratios, let me know. I may add oat flour to it, but want to try a cake with it first and see how it goes.


      • Nanci

        Hi Janine! I’d love the ratios of the gf flours you mentioned for your blend. Thanks so much!!


        • Wendy Stoltz

          Hi Janine,

          They are on the recipe card in this post.Shout if you don't see them.


          • Peggy

            I made a loaf using Blend 1, mix of rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch and xanthan gum. It tasted good, but there was a huge hollow space in between. Would anyone know what caused this..?

          • Wendy Stoltz

            Hi Peggy,

            It is difficult to give advice if we do not know which recipe you used. But if it was a recipe with yeast, if the yeast in the dough did not activate correctly or was not enough, the bread may not rise evenly, causing large pockets of air to form during baking.

            Let us know, so we can assist more.

  5. Simoné Malan

    Which flour mix works best for pizza and pie crust?


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Simone

      For pizza - If you want to mix your own blend for this pizza (per my original recipe) combine 1 cup white rice flour, ¾ cup brown rice flour, ¼ cup tapioca starch. Here's the recipe
      For pie crust - Blend 1 or 2.



  6. Hira

    Hello! Is there something I can replace potato starch with? I'm not sure why but potato starch is really expensive where I live (maybe it's called something different here). I'm basically trying to replicate the first blend.


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Hira,

      Can you let me know what you are trying to make, so I can advise you better?


  7. Alexa M

    Hi! Do you have a sandwich bread recipe to go with these? Which flour blend would go best for sandwich bread? Thanks!


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Alexa,

      View this post it has all the details you need.


  8. Lynn Williams

    What gives the gluten free bread Flavor? Most gluten free breads bought in the store have no taste. Do I need to add another ingredient?


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Lynn,

      It is the combination of ingredients that gives the bread its flavor. Have you tried this bread recipe


  9. StationarySnob

    I had great baking results with the Red Robin GF Flour blend but it has potato starch. I am sensitive to nightshades so I cannot have potato flour or potato starch. Can you recommend a substitute for potato starch in your flour blends? I would usually use the blend for cupcakes, maybe bread. Thank-you so much!


    • Wendy Stoltz


      I would suggest you try this bread recipe -

      Here are a few suggestions:

      Tapioca starch: Tapioca starch is a common substitute for potato starch and can be used in a variety of recipes, including cupcakes and bread. It has a similar texture and binding properties as potato starch, making it a great alternative.

      Arrowroot starch: Arrowroot starch is another great substitute for potato starch. It has a very fine texture and can help to create a lighter, fluffier texture in baked goods.

      Cornstarch: Cornstarch can be used in place of potato starch, but it may alter the taste and texture slightly. It can be used in small amounts, such as 1-2 tablespoons, to help thicken the flour blend and create a more cohesive texture.

      I hope these suggestions help.


    • Aana

      I used the first recipe for a gluten free chocolate chip cookie recipe and they turned out extremely flat. What can I do to remedy this? Thanks!


      • Wendy Stoltz

        Hi Aana,

        Let's troubleshoot:

        Did you add Xanthan gum?

        Chill the dough. Refrigerating the cookie dough before baking can help solidify the fats in the dough and prevent excessive spreading. After mixing the dough, cover it tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or overnight if possible. Chilled dough tends to hold its shape better during baking.

        Use room temperature ingredients. If the butter or fats in your recipe were too soft or melted, it can lead to excessive spreading. Make sure your butter or fats are at room temperature, which is typically around 68-70°F (20-21°C), to achieve the proper consistency in your dough.

        Let us know once you've tried it again if this works. Happy Baking.


  10. Sherlie

    How can I make the bread vegan, your recipe has egg whites...


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Sherlie,

      Maybe try aquafaba. This is the liquid from a can of chickpeas. It has a similar consistency to egg whites. Use about 3 tablespoons of aquafaba to replace one egg white. This substitute may alter the taste or texture of the recipe slightly, so it's important to experiment and adjust the amounts to find what works best for your specific recipe.


  11. M Day

    Hello. My 30 something son is special needs with alot of health problems. He has been thru alot and we just found out he was allergic to Gluten too. So Im on a mad rush to get this right. I loved the fact you have recipes for flour blends you have made. I purchase a mill and have been experimenting but it gets expensive. Bag flour is expensive but messing up the blend is expensive too. So I want to thank you for all the time and care you have put in to this and the information is great! Just what i needed.


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hello, M Day! Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad to hear that the recipes and information have been helpful to you in your journey to accommodate your son's gluten allergy. It's understandable that it can be challenging and costly to experiment with different flour blends, but with some patience and persistence, you will find the right blend that works best for your son's health and taste preferences.

      I'm happy to hear that you've purchased a mill to make your own flour, as this can be a more cost-effective and convenient option in the long run. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns. Wishing you and your son all the best on your gluten-free journey!


  12. Mary

    Hi Wendy, Thank you for this wonderful resource. I am on a low fiber / low oxalate diet and your Gluten-Free Flour Blend Recipe 1 is perfect. In fact, it's the only one I have found. Would you be able to point me to any recipes on your site that use this blend?


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Mary,

      Its our pleasure. The first flour blend is a little lighter and it works great it all of my recipes for quick breads, cakes, donuts, and cookies. So choose one of those from the website. Happy Baking!


  13. Ane Gundersen

    Hi! Thank you so much for this. Is it possible to replace some of the white rice flour with brown rice flour? I would like to make the mixture more nutritious if possible. I’m using it to bake bread. 🙂


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Ane,

      It is possible you might need to experiment a bit to find the perfect ratio that works for your bread recipe. Also experiment with brands of flours.

      Let us know how you go!


  14. Janice Sharp

    I didn’t see any information about Almond flour. Would it be a substitution for any of the flour mentioned?


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Janice,

      Almond flour has different properties than regular gluten-free flour blends, so it's not a direct substitution. Almond flour is more moist and dense due to its high fat content, which can affect the texture and structure of baked goods.


  15. Carol

    I have an allergy to wheat that will trigger my asthma and after years of no baked goods (store-bought gluten free...yuk! and the price!), I finally have time to develop my skills in this area. I can't wait to try these blends in family recipes as well as try new recipes, including GF sourdough!
    I am wondering if you can suggest possible substitutions for the millet flour. It is not a friendly flour for me.


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Carol,

      I'm thrilled to hear about your enthusiasm for diving into gluten-free baking and exploring new recipes!

      As for the millet flour substitution, here are a few alternatives you might consider:

      Sorghum Flour: Sorghum flour is another versatile gluten-free option that can provide a nice texture to baked goods. It has a slightly sweet flavor and is often used in combination with other flours.

      Oat Flour: If you're able to tolerate oats (make sure they are certified gluten-free), oat flour can be a great substitution. It has a mild flavor and can add moisture to your baked goods.

      Quinoa Flour: Quinoa flour is protein-rich and has a slightly nutty flavor. It can add a unique taste and texture to your recipes.

      Remember, baking is both an art and a science, so don't hesitate to experiment and adapt recipes to your preferences and dietary needs. Enjoy your gluten-free baking journey, and I hope your creations turn out delicious and satisfying!


  16. Martha

    Hi, Wendy: I would like to know if you have a flour ratio for an all purpose gluten free blend with the following (the ones you posted look great, but are difficult and expensive to get where I am), -in no particular irder-: sunflower/ pumpkin seed flour, rice (white), coconut, prickly pear (it does have a "sandy" somewhat texture) and white corn.


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Sorry Martha, I unfortunately don't. What I can suggest you do is recipe test it.


  17. Njoki Wachira

    Hi Wendy, I did a flour mix of 100g almond flour, 100g banana flour, 200g chickpea flour and 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder for pancakes.
    I do not know why but they were so dense inside not cooking properly only the outside was brown and looking cooked.
    I am dairy flour so used flax seed to thicken.
    Where could I have gone wrong?


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Njoki,

      It seems like the issue might be related to the combination of flours in the blend and the absence of a binding agent. Here are some potential reasons why your pancakes turned out dense and undercooked:

      Lack of Binding Agent - Gluten-free flours often lack the binding properties found in gluten-containing flours. Using flaxseed as a substitute for eggs can help with binding, but it might not be sufficient on its own. You could try adding a commercial egg replacer or a binding agent like xanthan gum or guar gum to improve the texture.

      Flour Ratios - The combination of almond flour, banana flour, and chickpea flour might have contributed to the dense texture. Almond flour and chickpea flour, in particular, can create a denser texture, especially when used in larger proportions. Experimenting with different ratios or using a mix of lighter gluten-free flours such as rice flour, potato starch, or tapioca flour could help achieve a lighter texture.

      Cooking Temperature and Time - Ensure that your pan is preheated to the correct temperature before pouring the batter. Cooking gluten-free pancakes can often require a slightly lower temperature than regular pancakes to prevent burning on the outside before the inside cooks through. Additionally, cooking them for a longer time on a lower heat setting might help ensure that the insides are thoroughly cooked without burning the outside.

      Lack of Leavening Agent - It's important to ensure that the baking powder is fresh and active, as using old or expired baking powder can result in dense pancakes. You can test the freshness of your baking powder by mixing a small amount with water – if it fizzes, it's still active.

      Consider adjusting the flour ratios, using a binding agent, and checking the cooking temperature and time to achieve lighter and more evenly cooked pancakes. Experimenting with different combinations and ratios can help you find the perfect blend for your gluten-free pancakes.

      All the best with experimenting.


  18. Jane E Belluchi

    This is just an fyi for anyone having trouble finding the ingredients in your flour blends. Traditional stores here in Iowa charge excessively high prices for the flours & starches but most Asian stores that I have visited carry larger bags for way less.

    I hope you all find this helpful.



  19. Mel

    For your pastry recipe would you recommend your flour option one or two?
    I would like to make pastry for gluten free tart shells for mincemeat. Thank you!


    • Wendy

      Hi Mel,

      For making gluten-free pastry for tart shells, I would recommend using the second gluten-free flour blend option, the one with a bit more structure. This blend is likely to give your tart shells better stability and texture, which is important when working with pastry for tarts.

      All the best.


  20. Barbara Schwartz

    I am both gluten free and grain free. I can't have any rice except for black rice or wild rice. Can you suggest some substitutions for the bread recipes to be used in a bread maker? Also, it's an older bread maker without the gluten free setting. Should I use the "quick bread" setting, instead?

    Thank you!


    • Wendy Stoltz

      Hi Barbara,

      I am so sorry, you would need to experiment and make your own blend. I have not tried an alternative without rice flour.

      The "quick bread" setting is typically designed for recipes that don't require yeast. Let us kow what other options you have, so we can try and help.


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Gluten-Free Flour Recipe {3 Options} – Gluten-Free Palate (2024)


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